alternate block

alternate block
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "alternate block" в других словарях:

  • Block scheduling — is a type of academic scheduling in which each student has fewer classes per day for a longer period of time. This is intended to result in more time for teaching due to less class switching and preparation. It also allows for a student to take… …   Wikipedia

  • Block chain — (Mach.) A chain in which the alternate links are broad blocks connected by thin side links pivoted to the ends of the blocks, used with sprocket wheels to transmit power, as in a bicycle. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Block cellular automaton — The Margolus neighborhood for a two dimensional block cellular automaton. The partition of the cells alternates between the set of 2 × 2 blocks indicated by the solid blue lines, and the set of blocks indicated by the dashed red lines. A block… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternate versions of Captain America — In addition to his mainstream incarnations, Captain America has also been depicted in other fictional universes.Modern continuity*Steve Rogers The scrawny Army reject was given the Super Soldier serum, becoming the first and only complete success …   Wikipedia

  • Alternate versions of Mr. Fantastic — Mr. Fantastic is a Marvel comic book character, who has had many alternate versions through various media. =1602= In Neil Gaiman s Marvel Universe set in the 17th century, Reed (apparently called Sir Richard Reed, although he is often addressed… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternate versions of Cyclops — This page consists of alternate versions of the Marvel Comics character Cyclops.1602In the continuity of the miniseries Marvel 1602, Scott is known as Scotius Sumerisle. He is the leader of the original five X Men, who are united under Carlos… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternate versions of Hulk — In addition to his mainstream incarnation, Hulk has also been depicted in other fictional universes.Modern continuityBruce Banner*Savage/Rampaging Hulk The green skinned behemoth is often identified as the classic Hulk. Driven to find solitude,… …   Wikipedia

  • Alternate versions of Thor — This is a page that shows the alternate versions of Thor.In mainstream comic continuityEric MastersonEric Masterson is initially bonded with Thor after Thor is punished for apparently killing Loki. Masterson carries the mantle of Thor for several …   Wikipedia

  • block chain — noun : a drive chain (as on a bicycle) made up of alternate transverse blocks or cylinders and side links held together by pins, the blocks engaging the driving wheel teeth and the pins and side links giving flexibility …   Useful english dictionary

  • Functional flow block diagram — The Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD) is a multi tier, time sequenced, step by step flow diagram of the system’s functional flow. [The first version of this article is completely based on the [ org/headquarters… …   Wikipedia

  • Preferential block voting — is a voting system for electing several representatives from a single multimember constituency. Unlike the single transferable vote, preferential block voting is not a method for obtaining proportional representation, and instead produces similar …   Wikipedia

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