- electric knife
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Electric knife — An electric knife or electric carving knife is an electrical kitchen device used for slicing hard to slice foods. The advantage of an electric knife is less physical effort is required and it is easier to make cleaner slices. The device consists… … Wikipedia
electric knife — a knife shaped electrode or steel needle which cuts by causing dissolution of tissue when activated by a high frequency current … Medical dictionary
electric knife — noun : an electrode in the form of a needle that simultaneously cuts and sears tissue … Useful english dictionary
Knife — A knife is a handheld sharp edged instrument consisting of handle attached to a blade used for cutting. The knife is a tool that can be used as a weapon. Its origins date as far back as two and a half million years ago, as evidenced by the… … Wikipedia
knife-switch — knifeˈ switch noun A switch in an electric circuit, in which the moving element consists of a flat blade that engages with fixed contacts • • • Main Entry: ↑knife … Useful english dictionary
knife|fish — «NYF FIHSH», noun, plural fish|es or (collectively) fish. a transparent, freshwater eel similar to the electric eel, found in Central and South American waters … Useful english dictionary
knife — n. instrument for cutting 1) to plunge a knife into smb. 2) to pull a knife (on smb.) 3) to stab smb. with a knife 4) to sharpen a knife 5) a dull; sharp knife 6) a bowie; boy scout; bread; butcher (esp. AE). butcher s (esp. BE); clasp; electric; … Combinatory dictionary
Knife fight — A knife fight (sometimes incorrectly referred to as a duel) is a violent physical confrontation between two or more combatants in which one or more participants is armed with a knife.[1][2] A knife fight is defined by the presence of a knife as a … Wikipedia
knife — noun 1 tool for cutting ADJECTIVE ▪ blunt, dull (esp. AmE) ▪ sharp ▪ serrated ▪ long ▪ small … Collocations dictionary
Electric Six discography — This article catalogues the releases of American band Electric Six.Discography as The Wildbunch Albums* An Evening With The Many Moods Of The Wildbunch s Greatest Hits... Tonight! (8 Track) (Uchu Cult) (1996) * Don t Be Afraid Of The Robot: Live… … Wikipedia
knife — A cutting instrument used in surgery and dissection. [M.E. knif, fr. A.S. cnif, fr. O. Norse knifr] amputation k. a broad bladed k. used primarily for transecting large muscles during major amputations. Beer k. a triangular k. with a sharp point… … Medical dictionary