- electric bell
электрический звонок
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Electric bell — An electric bell is a mechanical bell that functions by means of an electromagnet. Principle In DC electric bells, when power is applied, current flows through the coil. The coil becomes an electromagnet, attracting the metal strip. This moves… … Wikipedia
electric bell — elektrinis skambutis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electric bell vok. elektrische Klingel, f rus. электрический звонок, m pranc. sonnerie électrique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
electric bell — noun a bell activated by the magnetic effect of an electric current • Hypernyms: ↑bell • Hyponyms: ↑telephone bell • Part Meronyms: ↑electromagnet … Useful english dictionary
electric bell — n. bell set in motion by magnetic effect of electric current … English contemporary dictionary
Oxford Electric Bell — The Oxford Electric Bell in December 2009 Charged by the tw … Wikipedia
Oxford Electric Bell — Alimenté par deux piles sèches scellées (stylisées par les deux rectangles noirs), le pendule fait un mouvement de va et vient entre deux cloches (stylisées par deux demi disques) situées sous les piles. L Oxford Electric Bell (que l on peut… … Wikipédia en Français
Bell — may refer to: Devices that produce sound * Altar bell, a bell rung during the Catholic Mass. * Bell character, a character that produces an audible signal at a terminal. * Bell effect, a musical technique similar to an arpeggio. * Bell… … Wikipedia
bell push — noun a button that is pushed to ring a bell • Hypernyms: ↑push button, ↑push, ↑button * * * noun : a button that is pushed to ring a bell * * * a button, as on the front door of a house, that rings a bell when pushed. [1880 85] * * * bell push… … Useful english dictionary
bell — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a hollow usu. metal object in the shape of a deep upturned cup usu. widening at the lip, made to sound a clear musical note when struck (either externally or by means of a clapper inside). 2 a a sound or stroke of a bell, esp. as… … Useful english dictionary
Bell — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a hollow usu. metal object in the shape of a deep upturned cup usu. widening at the lip, made to sound a clear musical note when struck (either externally or by means of a clapper inside). 2 a a sound or stroke of a bell, esp. as… … Useful english dictionary
electric — /i lek trik/, adj. 1. pertaining to, derived from, produced by, or involving electricity: an electric shock. 2. producing, transmitting, or operated by electric currents: an electric bell; electric cord. 3. electrifying; thrilling; exciting;… … Universalium