- alpha
1) альфа частица2) альфа, α (коэффициент передачи по току в схеме с общей базой)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
alpha — alpha … Dictionnaire des rimes
Alpha — may refer to:The Greek letter alphaAlpha (letter), a letter in the Greek alphabet. α may be used as the symbol for: *Alpha channel, describing transparency and opacity in computer graphics *Angle of attack in aerodynamics *Common base current… … Wikipedia
alpha — [ alfa ] n. m. • XIIe; mot gr. 1 ♦ Première lettre (α) de l alphabet grec. Alpha privatif, qui donne, dans les composés grecs, une valeur négative. ♢ Fig. (expr. de l Apocalypse, en parlant de Dieu) L alpha et l oméga : le commencement et la fin … Encyclopédie Universelle
Alpha 5 — was a fictional robot on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series. On Alpha s chest is a yellow stylized lightning bolt similar to the Power Rangers lightning bolt symbol, but inverted. His head is in the shape of a golden flying saucer … Wikipedia
Alpha TV — Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang: Antenne ( … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alpha Q — (or Alpha Quintesson) is a fictional character from the TV series, comics and toyline. He is voiced by Trevor Devall.Animated series: Sources: Transformers: Energon cartoon series Among the many worlds that fell to the unending hunger of the… … Wikipedia
Alpha 66 — ist eine Ende 1961 von 66 Exilkubanern in Puerto Rico gegründete paramilitärische Gruppierung die den Sturz der kubanischen Regierung unter Fidel Castro und das Ende der Herrschaft der Kommunistischen Partei Kubas zum Ziel hat. Die meisten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alpha 66 — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Alpha 66 es una organización paramilitar anticastrista basada en Miami, Estados Unidos. Según anuncia, realiza operaciones de clandestinaje, sabotajes, huelgas, protestas en silencio y otras no tan silenciosas, que… … Wikipedia Español
Alpha — Alpha, NJ U.S. borough in New Jersey Population (2000): 2482 Housing Units (2000): 1034 Land area (2000): 1.697667 sq. miles (4.396936 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.038457 sq. miles (0.099604 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.736124 sq. miles (4.496540 … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Alpha — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Alpha puede referirse a: Alpha, el nombre en inglés de la letra alfa (Α) del alfabeto griego; Alpha, un planeta imaginario creado por Isaac Asimov; Alpha , una nomenclatura no oficial de la Estación… … Wikipedia Español
Alpha — Al pha, n. [L. alpha, Gr. a lfa, from Heb. [=a]leph, name of the first letter in the alphabet, also meaning ox.] The first letter in the Greek alphabet, answering to A, and hence used to denote the beginning. [1913 Webster] In am Alpha and Omega … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English