- elastic state
упругое состояние; эластичное состояние
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
high-elastic state — elastiškoji būsena statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Amorfinio polimero fizinė būsena, kurioje maža apkrova sukelia didelę grįžtamąją deformaciją. atitikmenys: angl. high elastic state; rubbery state rus. высокоэластическое состояние ryšiai:… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
elastic — adj 1 Elastic, resilient, springy, flexible, supple are comparable when they mean able to endure strain (as extension, compression, twisting, or bending) without being permanently affected or injured. Elastic and resilient are both general and… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Elastic — E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from which a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic bitumen — Elastic E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic curve — Elastic E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic fluids — Elastic E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic limit — Elastic E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic tissue — Elastic E*las tic ([ e]*l[a^]s t[i^]k), a. [Formed fr. Gr. elay nein to drive; prob. akin to L. alacer lively, brisk, and E. alacrity: cf. F. [ e]lastique.] 1. Springing back; having a power or inherent property of returning to the form from… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Elastic instability — is a form of instability occurring in elastic systems, such as buckling of beams and plates subject to large compressive loads. ingle degree of freedom systemsConsider as a simple example a rigid beam of length L , hinged in one end and free in… … Wikipedia
Elastic modulus — An elastic modulus, or modulus of elasticity, is the mathematical description of an object or substance s tendency to be deformed elastically (i.e., non permanently) when a force is applied to it. The elastic modulus of an object is defined as… … Wikipedia
Elastic-rebound theory — The elastic rebound theory is an explanation for how energy is spread during earthquakes. As plates shift on opposite sides of a fault are subjected to force, they accumulate energy and slowly deform until their internal strength is exceeded. At… … Wikipedia