- elastic material
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
elastic material — tamprioji medžiaga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. elastic material vok. elastischer Stoff, m; elastischer Werkstoff, m rus. упругий материал, m pranc. matériel élastique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
elastic material — a material or structure is said to behave elastically if it returns to its original geometry upon unloading … Mechanics glossary
Cauchy elastic material — A Cauchy elastic material is one in which the Cauchy stress at each material point is determined only by the current state of deformation (with respect to an arbitrary reference configuration). R. W. Ogden, 1984, Non linear Elastic Deformations,… … Wikipedia
The conscience is the most elastic material in the world. To-day you cannot stretch it over a mole-h… — The conscience is the most elastic material in the world. To day you cannot stretch it over a mole hill, to morrow it hides a mountain. См. Эластическая совесть … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
linear elastic material — for such a material, the concept is the same as for linear elastic structure except strain substitutes for deformation, and stress substitutes for load … Mechanics glossary
elastic stocking — n a stocking woven or knitted with an elastic material (as rubber) and used (as in the treatment of varicose veins) to provide support for the leg … Medical dictionary
Material ortótropo — La madera es un ejemplo de un material ortótropo: sus propiedades en tres direcciones perpendiculares (axial, radial y circunferencial) son diferentes. Un material ortótropo tiene dos o tres ejes ortogonales entre sí, de doble simetría rotacional … Wikipedia Español
material — brittle material elastic material inelastic material linear material linear elastic material plastic material … Mechanics glossary
elastic — 01. The brochures were held together with [elastics] and piled on the desk. 02. When I was little, I was so skinny that my mother had to put an [elastic] waistband in all my pants so that they would stay up. 03. His interpretation of the rules is … Grammatical examples in English
elastic — 1. adjective /iˈlæs.tɪk,əˈlæstɪk/ a) Capable of stretching; particularly, capable of stretching so as to return to an original shape or size when force is released. The rope is somewhat elastic, so expect it to give when you pull on it. b) Made… … Wiktionary
elastic energy — the energy stored in deformed elastic material (e.g., a watch spring). Elastic energy is sometimes called elastic potential energy because it can be recovered when the object returns to its original shape … Mechanics glossary