elastic fabric

elastic fabric
эластичное трикотажное полотно

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "elastic fabric" в других словарях:

  • elastic — [ē las′tik, ilas′tik] adj. [ModL elasticus < LGr elastikos < Gr elaunein, to set in motion, beat out < IE base * el , to drive, move, go > ? LANE1] 1. able to spring back to its original size, shape, or position after being stretched …   English World dictionary

  • elastic — I. adjective Etymology: New Latin elasticus, from Late Greek elastos ductile, beaten, from Greek elaunein to drive, beat out; probably akin to Greek ēlythe he went, Old Irish luid Date: 1674 1. a. of a solid capable of recovering size and shape… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • elastic — 1. Having the property of returning to the original shape after being stretched, compressed, bent, or otherwise distorted. 2. A rubber or plastic band used in orthodontics as either a primary or adjunctive source of force to move teeth. The term… …   Medical dictionary

  • Elastic — E*las tic, n. An elastic woven fabric, as a belt, braces or suspenders, etc., made in part of India rubber. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • elastic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) able to resume normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or squeezed. 2) flexible and adaptable. ► NOUN ▪ cord, tape, or fabric which returns to its original length or shape after being stretched. DERIVATIVES elastically… …   English terms dictionary

  • elastic — e•las•tic [[t]ɪˈlæs tɪk[/t]] adj. 1) capable of returning to its original length or shape after being stretched 2) phs spontaneously expansive, as gases 3) flexible; adaptable: elastic rules[/ex] 4) bouncy or springy: an elastic step[/ex] 5)… …   From formal English to slang

  • elastic — adj. & n. adj. 1 able to resume its normal bulk or shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion. 2 springy. 3 (of a person or feelings) buoyant. 4 flexible, adaptable (elastic conscience). 5 Econ. (of demand) variable… …   Useful english dictionary

  • elastic — Synonyms and related words: Lastex, accommodating, adaptable, adaptive, adjustable, airy, animated, baleen, battledore, bendable, bending, bouncy, buoyant, chewing gum, compliant, compressible, contractile, convalescent, dilatant, distensive,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • elastic — [ɪ lastɪk] adjective 1》 able to resume normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or squeezed. 2》 flexible and adaptable: the definition is elastic.     ↘Economics (of demand or supply) sensitive to changes in price or income. 3》 Physics… …   English new terms dictionary

  • elastic web — noun or elastic webbing : a narrow fabric woven of various textile fibers and typically rubber threads and used especially for garters and suspenders …   Useful english dictionary

  • Knitted fabric — Knitted fabrics are the third major class of fabric, after woven and nonwoven fabrics. Elasticity, thickness and warmthCompared to the other two classes, knitted fabrics are much more elastic, which accounts for their historical use in stockings… …   Wikipedia

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