- eight
восьмёрка (1. возд. фигура высшего пилотажа 2. авто восьмицилиндровый двигатель 3. одежда восьмого размера)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
eight — [eıt] number, n [: Old English; Origin: eahta] 1.) the number 8 ▪ It s only eight days till Christmas. ▪ They woke at eight (=eight o clock) . ▪ My parents died when I was eight (=eight years old) . 2.) a team of eight people who row a racing… … Dictionary of contemporary English
eight — late 14c., eighte, earlier ehte (c.1200), from O.E. eahta, æhta, from P.Gmc. *akhto(u) (Cf. O.S. ahto, O.Fris. ahta, O.N. atta, Swed. ôtta, Du. acht, O.H.G. Ahto, Ger. acht, Goth. ahtau), from PIE *okto( … Etymology dictionary
eight — eight; eight·er; eight·ling; eight·pen·ny; eight·some; eight·fold; eight·i·eth; … English syllables
eight — ► CARDINAL NUMBER 1) one more than seven; 8. (Roman numeral: viii or VIII.) 2) an eight oared rowing boat or its crew. ● have one over the eight Cf. ↑have one over the eight ● pieces of eight … English terms dictionary
eight — [āt] adj. [ME eighte < OE eahta, akin to Ger acht < IE base * oktō(u) L octo, Gr oktō, OIr ocht] totaling one more than seven n. 1. the cardinal number between seven and nine; 8; VIII 2. any group of eight people or things, as a crew of… … English World dictionary
eight — cylinder engine, or a vehicle fitted with one; the cylinders may be in line (a straight eight) or in a V layout (a V 8). Also see flat eight straight eight V eight … Dictionary of automotive terms
Eight — ([=a]t), n. 1. The number greater by a unit than seven; eight units or objects. [1913 Webster] 2. A symbol representing eight units, as 8 or viii. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Eight — ist das englische Wort für die Zahl Acht. Eight steht außerdem für: The Eight, ursprünglicher Name der Künstlergruppe Ashcan School Eight Inc., multidisziplinäres Design und Innovationsstudio … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eight — ([=a]t), a. [AS. eahta; akin to OS. ahto, OFries. achta, D. & G. acht, OHG. ahto, Icel. [=a]tta, Sw. [*a]tta, Dan. otte, Goth. ahtau, Lith. aszt[*u]ni, Ir. & Gael. ochd, W. wyth, Armor. eich, eiz, L. octo, Gr. oktw , Skr. ash[.t]an. [root]306. Cf … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
eight|y — «AY tee», noun, plural eight|ies, adjective. eight times ten; 80: »The eighty cows were milked in two groups, forty at a time. ╂[short for Old English hundeahtatig] … Useful english dictionary
Eight — ([=a]t), n. [See {Ait}.] An island in a river; an ait. [Obs.] Osiers on their eights. Evelyn. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English