Смотреть что такое "EDG" в других словарях:
edg|y — «EHJ ee», adjective, edg|i|er, edg|i|est. 1. impatient; irritable: »Father gets edgy when you ask him too many questions while he is reading the paper. SYNONYM(S): testy … Useful english dictionary
EDG — may refer to:* European Democrat Group, a party group in the European Parliament * Electronic Discussion Group, a type of Internet forum * Edison Design Group, a creator of compiler front ends * Endothelial differentiation gene, a which code a… … Wikipedia
EDG — Abreviatura de electrodinograma. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
EDG — 〈Abk. für〉 Elektrodermatogramm … Universal-Lexikon
EDG — 〈Abk. für〉 Elektrodermatogramm … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
edg|er — «EHJ uhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that edges or puts an edge on anything. 2. a marble near the edge of the playing ring in the game of marbles. 3. a set of saws for trimming the rough edges of lumber. 4. a tool for trimming the edge of a lawn … Useful english dictionary
edg|i|ly — «EHJ uh lee», adverb. sharply; impatiently … Useful english dictionary
edg — ac·knowl·edg·ment; edg·er; edg·er·man; edg·i·ly; edg·i·ness; edg·ing·ly; knowl·edg·abil·i·ty; knowl·edg·able·ness; knowl·edg·ably; … English syllables
EDG — Die Abkürzung EDG steht für: Evangelische Darlehnsgenossenschaft eG Entsorgung Dortmund GmbH Ethyldiglykol H5C2−O−(CH2)2−O−(CH2)2−O−H Electron Donating Group Elektronenschiebende Gruppe, Donator(gruppe), seltener ERG (Electron Releasing Group)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
edg|i|ness — «EHJ ee nihs», noun. sharpness; impatience: »He has acquired considerable confidence and know how: gone is the edginess, the defensive rudeness (Observer) … Useful english dictionary
edg|ing — «EHJ ihng», noun. a thing forming an edge or put on along an edge; border or trimming for an edge: »an edging of pebbles for the rose garden, an edging of lace for a dress … Useful english dictionary