
1) сплав || сплавлять
2) вплавлять
3) легирующий элемент || легировать
abrasion-resistant alloy
acidproof alloy
addition alloy
aged alloy
age-hardening alloy
aging alloy
air-hardening alloy
alkali-resistant alloy
alpha alloy
- alpha iron alloy -
aluminum alloy
aluminum paste alloy
aluminum-base alloy
antifriction alloy
artificial-interstitial alloy
backing alloy
beryllium-copper-aluminum alloy
beta alloy
binary alloy
body-centered cubic alloy
brass brazing alloy
brazing metal alloy
brazing alloy
castable alloy
cold-worked alloy
columbium alloy
commercial alloy
copper alloy
copper-base alloy
copper-bearing alloy
corrosion-resistant alloy
creep-resistant alloy
difficalt-to-extrude alloy
directionally solidified alloy
disordered alloy
doped alloy
EBM alloy
EBR alloy
electrical-resistance alloy
electron-beam-melting alloy
electron-beam-refining alloy
electroslag refining alloy
eutectic alloy
eutectoid alloy
face-centered cubic alloy
fancy alloy
fastener alloy
fernico alloy
ferromagnetic alloy
foundry alloy
four-component alloy
free-cutting alloy
gamma-phase alloy
general-purpose alloy
hard-magnetic alloy
hard-superconducting alloy
heat-resistant alloy
heat-treatable alloy
hexagonal close-packed alloy
high alloy
high-carbon alloy
high-coercitivity alloy
high-density alloy
high-melting-temperature alloy
high-permeability alloy
high-resistance alloy
high-strength alloy
high-temperature alloy
high-tensile alloy
high-yield alloy
homogenized alloy
hypercutectic alloy
hypereutectoid alloy
hypoeutectic alloy
hypoeutectoid alloy
interstitial alloy
iron-aluminum alloy
iron-base alloy
iron-bearing alloy
iron-carbon alloy
iron-chromium-cobalt alloy
iron-cobalt alloy
iron-manganese alloy
iron-tin alloy
iron-tungsten alloy
lead alloy
lead-antimony alloy
lead-antimony-tin alloy
light-metal alloy
light alloy
linotype alloy
low alloy
low-carbon alloy
low-ductile alloy
low-expansion alloy
low-melting-point alloy
low-permeability alloy
low-temperature alloy
low-tensile alloy
low-yield alloy
magnesium-base alloy
magnesium-rare earth-zirconium alloy
magnetic alloy
magnetically hard alloy
magnetically soft alloy
magnetic-hardening alloy
mushy alloy
native alloy
nickel-base alloy
nickel-chromium alloy
noble metal alloy
noncorrosive alloy
nonferrous metal alloy
nonferrous alloy
nonheat-treatable alloy
nonrefractory alloy
nonscaling alloy
ordered alloy
peritectic alloy
permanent magnet alloy
powder metallurgical alloy
precipitation hardened alloy
preferred-orientation alloy
process alloy
quinary alloy
random alloy
random-orientation alloy
rare-earth alloy
reduction alloy
refractory alloy
resistance alloy
resistance-clement alloy
resistor alloy
row alloys
self-lubricating alloy
semiaustenitic alloy
semiconducting alloy
semiferritic alloy
semihard magnetic alloy
shape-metal alloy
silver brazing alloy
soft magnetic alloy
solder alloy
solid solution alloy
solution-treated alloy
stereotype alloy
strain-hardened alloy
substitutional alloy
substitution alloy
superconducting alloy
tailored alloy
tantalum-base alloy
textured alloy
thermocouple alloy
thermomagnetic alloy
tin-base alloy
type-metal alloy
type alloy
vacuum melted alloy
vacuum-arc-refining alloy
vacuum-induction-melting alloy
VAR alloy
VIM alloy
virgin alloy
wear-resistant alloy
whisker-reinforced alloy
white alloy
work-hardening alloy
wrought alloy
zinc-base alloy

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "alloy" в других словарях:

  • Alloy — Al*loy , n. [OE. alai, OF. alei, F. aloyer, to alloy, alier to ally. See {Alloy}, v. t.] 1. Any combination or compound of metals fused together; a mixture of metals; for example, brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. But when mercury is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alloy — Alloy. s.m. Le prix de l or ou de l argent considerez en leur valeur intrinseque, ou bien selon que la matiere en est plus ou moins fine. Cette monnoye n est pas d un bon alloy, de bon alloy, C est à dire, est alterée, est meslée d autres metaux …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Alloy — Al*loy , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Alloyed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Alloying}.] [F. aloyer, OF. alier, allier, later allayer, fr. L. aligare. See {Alloy}, n., {Ally}, v. t., and cf. {Allay}.] 1. To reduce the purity of by mixing with a less valuable… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Alloy 20 — is a corrosion resistant nickel chromium molybdenum stainless steel alloy developed for applications involving sulfuric acid. Its corrosion resistance also finds other uses in the chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and plastics industries. Alloy 20… …   Wikipedia

  • Alloy — bezeichnet: Alloy Analyzer, ein in der Informatik und Softwaretechnik eingesetztes Programm Alloy Creek, ein Fluss im US Bundesstaat Montana Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • alloy — [n] mixture, usually of two metals admixture, adulterant, adulteration, amalgam, amalgamation, blend, combination, composite, compound, debasement, denaturant, fusion, hybrid, intermixture, reduction; concepts 260,476 alloy [v1] mix metals admix …   New thesaurus

  • alloy — [al′oi; ] also, and for v. usually [, ə loi′, aloi′] n. [ME alai < Anglo Fr alei (OFr aloi) < aleier: see ALLOY the vt.] 1. the relative purity of gold or silver; fineness 2. a substance that is a mixture, as by fusion, of two or more… …   English World dictionary

  • Alloy — Al*loy , v. t. To form a metallic compound. [1913 Webster] Gold and iron alloy with ease. Ure. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Alloy — Porté notamment dans le Pas de Calais et dans l Oise, c est sans doute une variante de Halloy, nom de communes de la Somme, du Pas de Calais et de l Oise. Signification probable : lieu où pousse le noisetier. On peut aussi envisager pour Alloy… …   Noms de famille

  • alloy — ► NOUN 1) a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion. 2) an inferior metal mixed with a precious one. ► VERB 1) mix (metals) to make an alloy. 2) spoil by adding… …   English terms dictionary

  • Alloy — Alloy. См. Сплав. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

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