- ecological range
амплитуда экологических условий
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
ecological range — ekologinė amplitudė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmo (rūšies) prisitaikymo prie aplinkos veiksnių apimtis (pvz., kartais rūšys, priklausančios tam pačiam arealo tipui, skiriasi ekologine amplitude, dėl to gali… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
ecological amplitude — ekologinė amplitudė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Organizmo (rūšies) prisitaikymo prie aplinkos veiksnių apimtis (pvz., kartais rūšys, priklausančios tam pačiam arealo tipui, skiriasi ekologine amplitude, dėl to gali… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Ecological stoichiometry — considers how the balance of energy and elements affect and are affected by organisms and their interactions in ecosystems. Ecological stoichiometry has a long history in ecology with early references to the constraints of mass balance made by… … Wikipedia
Ecological sanitation — Ecological sanitation, also known as ecosan or eco san, are terms coined to describe a form of sanitation that usually involves urine diversion and the recycling of water and nutrients contained within human wastes back into the local environment … Wikipedia
Ecological health — or ecological integrity or ecological damage is used to refer to symptoms of an ecosystem s pending loss of carrying capacity, its ability to perform nature s services, or a pending ecocide, due to cumulative causes such as pollution. The term… … Wikipedia
Ecological extinction — Types and definitions of extinctions = Estes, Duggins, and Rathburn (1989) recognize three distinct types of extinction.Global extinction is defined as “the ubiquitous disappearance of a species. [Estes et al. The ecology of extinctions in kelp… … Wikipedia
Ecological economics — right|300px|thumb|The three pillars ofsustainabilityEcological economics is a transdisciplinary field of academic research within economics that aims to address the interdependence between human economies and natural ecosystems. Its distinguished … Wikipedia
Ecological niche — Black smokers create ecological niches with their unusual environment In ecology, a niche ( … Wikipedia
Ecological succession — Succession after disturbance: a boreal forest one (left) and two years (right) after a wildfire. Ecological succession, is the phenomenon or process by which a community progressively transforms itself until a stable community is formed. It is a… … Wikipedia
Ecological island — An ecological island is not necessarily an island surrounded by water, but is an area of land, isolated by natural or artificial means from the surrounding land, where a natural micro habitat exists amidst a larger differing ecosystem. Also, in… … Wikipedia
Ecological crisis — An ecological crisis occurs when the environment of a species or a population changes in a way that destabilizes its continued survival. There are many possible causes of such crises:*It may be that the environment quality degrades compared to… … Wikipedia