- Earth's electric field
электротеллурическое поле, электрическое поле Земли
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Earth’s electric field — Žemės elektrinis laukas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Earth’s electric field; geoelectric field vok. elektrisches Erdfeld, n; geoelektrisches Feld, n rus. электрическое земное поле, n; электрическое поле Земли, n pranc. champ… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Earth's magnetic field — Computer simulation of the Earth s field in a normal period between reversals.[1] The tubes represent magnetic field lines, blue when the field points towards the center and yellow when away. The rotation axis of the Earth is centered and… … Wikipedia
Electric field NMR — (EFNMR) spectroscopy differs from conventional NMR in that a sample containing suitable nuclei is polarised by a strong dc electric field instead of a constant magnetic field. The nuclei are stimulated (perturbed) by means of an alternating… … Wikipedia
Earth exploration — Introduction the investigation of the surface of the Earth and of its interior. By the beginning of the 20th century most of the Earth s surface had been explored, at least superficially, except for the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Today the… … Universalium
Earth battery — An Earth battery is composed of a pair of electrodes made of two dissimilar metals, such as iron and copper, which are buried in the soil or immersed in the sea. A device that is placed in water is labeled a sea battery . It can act as a receiver … Wikipedia
Field (physics) — The magnitude of an electric field surrounding two equally charged (repelling) particles. Brighter areas have a greater magnitude. The direction of the field is not visible … Wikipedia
Earth — This article is about the planet. For other uses, see Earth (disambiguation). Earth … Wikipedia
electric potential — 1. Also called potential. Elect. (at any point in an electric field) the work done per unit charge in moving an infinitesimal point charge from a common reference point to the given point. Symbol: V 2. Physiol. See action potential. [1870 75] * * … Universalium
Earth's field NMR — Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in the geomagnetic field is conventionally referred to as Earth s field NMR (EFNMR). Note that the same acronym is used for electric field NMR.EFNMR is a special case of low field NMR.When placed in a constant… … Wikipedia
field — /feeld/, n. 1. an expanse of open or cleared ground, esp. a piece of land suitable or used for pasture or tillage. 2. Sports. a. a piece of ground devoted to sports or contests; playing field. b. (in betting) all the contestants or numbers that… … Universalium
Earth Inductor Compass — The Earth inductor compass is a device for determining direction using the magnetic field of the Earth. The operation of the compass is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction with the Earth s magnetic field acting as the induction… … Wikipedia