dynamic debugging

dynamic debugging
динамическая отладка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "dynamic debugging" в других словарях:

  • dynamic debugging — dinaminis derinimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. dynamic debugging vok. dynamische Ausprüfung, f; dynamische Fehlersuche, f rus. динамическая отладка, f pranc. mise au point dynamique, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Dynamic debugging technique — For other expansions of DDT , see DDT (disambiguation). Dynamic Debugging Technique, or DDT, was the name of several debugger programs originally developed for DEC hardware, initially known as DEC Debugging Tape because it was distributed on… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic program analysis — is the analysis of computer software that is performed by executing programs built from that software system on a real or virtual processor. For dynamic program analysis to be effective, the target program must be executed with sufficient test… …   Wikipedia

  • Debugging — Debug redirects here. For the shell command, see debug (command). For the German magazine, see Debug (magazine). A photo of the apocryphally first real bug, which was debugged in 1947. Debugging is a methodical process of finding and reducing the …   Wikipedia

  • Debugging data format — A debugging data format is a means of storing information about a compiled computer program for use by high level debuggers. Modern debugging data formats store enough information to allow source level debugging. High level debuggers need… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic array — Several values are inserted at the end of a dynamic array using geometric expansion. Grey cells indicate space reserved for expansion. Most insertions are fast (constant time), while some are slow due to the need for reallocation (Θ(n) time,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic logic (digital electronics) — For the subject in theoretical computer science, see dynamic logic (modal logic). In integrated circuit design, dynamic logic (or sometimes clocked logic) is a design methodology in combinatorial logic circuits, particularly those implemented in… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic recompilation — In computer science, dynamic recompilation (sometimes abbreviated to dynarec or the pseudo acronym DRC) is a feature of some emulators and virtual machines, where the system may recompile some part of a program during execution. By compiling… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic Trunking Protocol — Dieser Artikel wurde aufgrund von inhaltlichen Mängeln auf der Qualitätssicherungsseite der Redaktion Informatik eingetragen. Dies geschieht, um die Qualität der Artikel aus dem Themengebiet Informatik auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu bringen. Hilf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Octal Debugging Technique — For other expansions of ODT , see ODT. Octal Debugging Technique, or ODT, was the name of several debugger programs originally developed for DEC hardware. Various operating systems including OS/8, RT 11, RSX 11, and RSTS/E implemented ODT as did… …   Wikipedia

  • On-line Debugging Tool — For other expansions of ODT , see ODT. On line Debugging Tool, or ODT, was the name of several debugger programs originally developed for DEC hardware. Various operating systems including OS/8, RT 11, RSX 11, and RSTS/E implemented ODT as did the …   Wikipedia

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