all-wing aircraft
Смотреть что такое "all-wing aircraft" в других словарях:
fixed-wing aircraft — An airplane or glider whose wing is rigidly attached to the structure, or is otherwise adjustable. The term is used to refer to monoplanes, biplanes, triplanes, and, in fact, all conventional aircraft that are neither balloons, airships,… … Aviation dictionary
Wing fence — Wing fences, also known as boundary layer fences and potential fences are fixed aerodynamic devices attached to aircraft wings. Not to be confused with wingtip fences, wing fences are flat metal plates fixed to the upper surfaces (and often… … Wikipedia
Aircraft registration — A Van s Aircraft RV 7 displaying registration G KELS. The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a civil aircraft, in similar fashion to a… … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia
Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War — There were a great many aircraft losses during the Vietnam War. Hundreds of U.S. fixed wing aircraft were lost to ground fire of antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface to air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of… … Wikipedia
Wing configuration — For aircraft configurations in general, including fuselage, tail and powerplant configuration, see Aircraft. For rotary winged aircraft types, see Rotorcraft. For direct lift and compound or hybrid types, see Powered lift. Fixed wing aircraft,… … Wikipedia
Aircraft flight mechanics — In aeronautics, aircraft flight mechanics is the study of the forces that act on an aircraft in flight, and the way the aircraft responds to those forces. [Clancy, L.J. Aerodynamics . Section 14.1] Aircraft flight mechanics are relevant to… … Wikipedia
Wing — A wing is a surface used to produce lift for flight through the air or another gaseous medium. The wing shape is usually an airfoil. The word originally referred only to the foremost limbs of birds, but has been extended to include the wings of… … Wikipedia
Wing loading — In aerodynamics, wing loading is the loaded weight of the aircraft divided by the area of the wing. [Thom, 1988. p. 6.] It is broadly reflective of the aircraft s lift to mass ratio, which affects its rate of climb, load carrying ability, and… … Wikipedia
All Nippon Airways — Not to be confused with Australian National Airways. All Nippon Airways 全日本空輸 Zen Nippon Kūyu IATA NH … Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia