- duplicating machine
копировально-множительная машина; копировальный аппарат
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
duplicating machine — n. a machine for making exact copies of a letter, photograph, drawing, etc … English World dictionary
duplicating machine — machine that copies or reproduces material (documents, keys, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
duplicating machine — 1. a duplicator, esp. one for making identical copies of documents, letters, etc. 2. profiler. [1890 95] * * * a device for making duplicate copies from a master copy of printed, typed, drawn, or other material and utilizing various… … Universalium
duplicating machine — noun 1. : a machine or attachment that shapes an exact copy of a given sample (as of a die or key) or shapes two or more identical parts at once 2. : duplicator 1a * * * 1. a duplicator, esp. one for making identical copies of documents, letters … Useful english dictionary
Duplicating machine — Множительная машина … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Duplicating machines — were the predecessors of modern document reproduction technology. They have now been replaced by digital duplicators, scanners, laser printers and photocopiers, but for many years they were the primary means of reproducing documents for limited… … Wikipedia
key duplicating machine — n. a key machine which is designed to make copies from a pattern key … Locksmith dictionary
Offset duplicating machine — Малоформатная офсетная машина (для оперативной полиграфии) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
machine — n. 1) to operate, run, work a machine 2) to shut down a machine 3) an adding; answering; calculating; composing, linotype, typesetting; copy, copying, duplicating; earth moving; heart lung; milking; milling; money access (AE); sanding; sewing;… … Combinatory dictionary
Machine gun — [ thumb|200px|An illustration of later model 19th century Gatling gun. It was a multi barreled rotary machine gun fired via a manual crank, which mechanically loaded and primed cartridges from the hopper above the gun] : For other uses of the… … Wikipedia
List of duplicating processes — This is a partial list of duplicating processes used in business and government from the Industrial Revolution forward. Some are mechanical and some are chemical. There is naturally some overlap with printing processes and photographic processes … Wikipedia