- dumping ground
место сброса отходов
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
dumping ground — dumping .ground n 1.) a place where people get rid of waste material dumping ground for ▪ Rivers have always been a dumping ground for man s unwanted waste. 2.) a place where people are sent when no one knows how to deal with them dumping ground… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dumping ground — UK US noun [C, usually singular] ► ENVIRONMENT a place where waste is thrown away, usually in a way that is illegal or not suitable: »The river became a dumping ground for sewage. »We can t treat our oceans like a dumping ground. ► a place or an… … Financial and business terms
dumping ground — dumping grounds N COUNT: usu N for n, supp N (disapproval) If you say that a place is a dumping ground for something, usually something unwanted, you mean that people leave or send large quantities of that thing there. Eastern Europe is rapidly… … English dictionary
dumping ground — noun : a place to which unwanted people or things are sent special education classes … have too often become the dumping ground for those students whom teachers find merely troublesome Jane Perlez * * * noun, pl ⋯ grounds [count] : a place where… … Useful english dictionary
dumping ground — UK [ˈdʌmpɪŋ ˌɡraʊnd] / US noun [countable] Word forms dumping ground : singular dumping ground plural dumping grounds 1) a place where large amounts of waste are taken and left 2) a place used for getting rid of things or people that are no… … English dictionary
dumping ground — /ˈdʌmpɪŋ graʊnd/ (say dumping grownd) noun 1. an area of land designated for the dumping of rubbish. 2. a place where unwanted people, projects, etc., can be manoeuvred so as not to get in the way of others: Australia as a dumping ground for the… …
dumping ground — radioaktyviųjų atliekų slėpykla statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. burial ground; dumping ground; grave yard vok. Abfallager, n; radioaktiver Friedhof, m; Vergrabungsstelle der radioaktiver Abfälle, f rus. могильник радиоактивных отходов … Fizikos terminų žodynas
dumping ground — n. dump; garbage dumping site; place where unwanted persons or things are sent … English contemporary dictionary
dumping ground — dump|ing ground [ dʌmpıŋ ,graund ] noun count 1. ) a place used for getting rid of things or people that are no longer wanted 2. ) a place where large amounts of waste are taken and left … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dumping-ground — dump′ing ground n. cvb dump 13) • Etymology: 1855–60, amer … From formal English to slang
dumping ground — noun Date: 1857 a place to which unwanted people or things are sent … New Collegiate Dictionary