drift(-transit) time

drift(-transit) time
1) время пролёта (частицы)
2) время дрейфа

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "drift(-transit) time" в других словарях:

  • Impact Avalanche Transit Time Diode — Die IMPATT Diode ist ein Hochfrequenz Halbleiter Bauelement der Mikroelektronik, das als Diode zu den elektronischen Bauelementen gehört. Der Name leitet sich von der englischen Bezeichnung Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time Diode ab, im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time Diode — Die IMPATT Diode ist ein Hochfrequenz Halbleiter Bauelement der Mikroelektronik, das als Diode zu den elektronischen Bauelementen gehört. Der Name leitet sich von der englischen Bezeichnung Impact Ionization Avalanche Transit Time Diode ab, im… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Drift-field transistor — The drift field transistor, also called the drift transistor or graded base transistor, is a type of high speed bipolar junction transistor having a doping engineered electric field in the base to reduce the charge carrier base transit time.… …   Wikipedia

  • Transit (satellite) — Transit 2A with GRAB 1 atop during launch preparations The TRANSIT system, also known as NAVSAT (for Navy Navigation Satellite System), was the first satellite navigation system to be used operationally. The system was primarily used by the U.S.… …   Wikipedia

  • Precision Time Protocol — The Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a time transfer protocol defined in the IEEE 1588 2002 standard that allows precise synchronization of networks (e.g., Ethernet). Accuracy within the nanosecond range can be achieved with this protocol when… …   Wikipedia

  • One-time pad — Excerpt from a one time pad In cryptography, the one time pad (OTP) is a type of encryption, which has been proven to be impossible to crack if used correctly. Each bit or character from the plaintext is encrypted by a modular addition with a bit …   Wikipedia

  • IMPATT diode — An IMPATT diode (IMPact ionization Avalanche Transit Time) is a form of high power diode used in high frequency electronics and microwave devices. They are typically made with silicon carbide owing to their high breakdown fields.They operate at… …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo methods for electron transport — The Monte Carlo method for electron transport is a semiclassical Monte Carlo(MC) approach of modeling semiconductor transport. Assuming the carrier motion consists of free flights interrupted by scattering mechanisms, a computer is utilized to… …   Wikipedia

  • Global Positioning System — GPS redirects here. For other uses, see GPS (disambiguation). Geodesy Fundamentals …   Wikipedia

  • Vessel monitoring system — Vessel monitoring systems (VMS) are used in commercial fishing to allow environmental and fisheries regulatory organizations to monitor, minimally, the position, time at a position, and course and speed of fishing vessels. They are a key part of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mexico City — This article is about the capital of Mexico, coterminous with the Federal District. For other uses, see Mexico City (disambiguation). Mexico City   City   Ciudad de México City of Mexico …   Wikipedia

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