- drift current
1) дрейфовое течение2) дрейфовый ток
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Drift current — In condensed matter physics and electrochemistry, drift current is the electric current, or movement of charge carriers, which is due to the applied electric field, often stated as the electromotive force over a given distance.When an electric… … Wikipedia
drift current — slinkio srovė statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. drift current vok. Driftstrom, m rus. дрейфовый ток, m pranc. courant de dérive, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
drift current — slinkio srovė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. drift current vok. Driftstrom, m; Triftstrom, m rus. дрейфовый ток, m pranc. courant de dérive, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
drift current — a broad and shallow, slow moving current in a lake or the ocean … Dictionary of ichthyology
drift current — noun : a slowly moving current in a lake or ocean … Useful english dictionary
Drift and Mastery — Drift and Mastery: An Attempt to Diagnose the Current Unrest Author(s) Walter Lippmann … Wikipedia
drift´ing|ly — drift «drihft», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to carry along by currents of water or air: »The current was drifting our boat onto the rocks. 2. to heap up; pile up: »The wind is so strong it s drifting the snow. 3. to enlarge or shape (a hole) with a… … Useful english dictionary
Drift netting — Drift netting. Drift netting is a fishing technique where nets, called drift nets, are allowed to float freely at the surface of a sea or lake. Usually a drift net is a gill net with floats attached to a rope along the top of the net, and weights … Wikipedia
drift — [drift] n. [ME (akin to ON & MDu drift, OHG trift) < OE drifan, DRIVE] 1. an act or instance of being driven or carried along, as by a current of air or water or by circumstances 2. the course on which something is directed or driven 3. the… … English World dictionary
Drift — Drift, n. [From {drive}; akin to LG. & D. drift a driving, Icel. drift snowdrift, Dan. drift, impulse, drove, herd, pasture, common, G. trift pasturage, drove. See {Drive}.] 1. A driving; a violent movement. [1913 Webster] The dragon drew him… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drift of the forest — Drift Drift, n. [From {drive}; akin to LG. & D. drift a driving, Icel. drift snowdrift, Dan. drift, impulse, drove, herd, pasture, common, G. trift pasturage, drove. See {Drive}.] 1. A driving; a violent movement. [1913 Webster] The dragon drew… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English