- dragnet
бредень; невод
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Dragnet — may refer to: A type of fishing net Dragnet (policing), a coordinated search, named for the fishing net Dragnet media series Dragnet (series), a radio and television series starring Jack Webb, broadcast in multiple versions between 1947 and 1970… … Wikipedia
Dragnet — Студийный альбом Th … Википедия
Dragnet — bezeichnet: eine US amerikanische Kriminalserie, siehe Polizeibericht (Serie) ein darauf aufbauender Kinofilm von 1987, siehe Schlappe Bullen beißen nicht DRAGNET bezeichnet: DRAGNET, ein Datenbanksystem zur Fahndung nach Serienverbrechern … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dragnet — Drag net , n. [Cf. AS. dr[ae]gnet.] A net to be drawn along the bottom of a body of water, as in fishing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dragnet — O.E. drægnet, a net to drag the bottom of a body of water in fishing; see DRAG (Cf. drag) (v.) + NET (Cf. net) (n.). Figurative use is from 1640s; police sense attested by 1894 … Etymology dictionary
dragnet — [n] manhunt all points bulletin, chase, pursuit, search; concept 207 … New thesaurus
dragnet — ► NOUN 1) a net drawn through water or across ground to trap fish or game. 2) a systematic search for criminals … English terms dictionary
dragnet — [drag′net΄] n. 1. a net dragged along the bottom of a river, lake, etc. for catching fish 2. a net for catching small game ☆ 3. an organized system or network for gathering in or catching criminals or others wanted by the authorities … English World dictionary
Dragnet — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Dragnet peut faire référence à : Dragnet, le titre original d une série télévisée américaine, appelée en France Badge 714 ; Dragnet, un film… … Wikipédia en Français
dragnet — n. network a police dragnet * * * [ network ] a police dragnet … Combinatory dictionary
dragnet — [[t]dræ̱gnet[/t]] N SING: oft n N A dragnet is a method used by police to catch suspected criminals. A large number of police officers search a specific area, in the hope that they will eventually find the person they are looking for. ...a… … English dictionary