Смотреть что такое "dozzle" в других словарях:
dozzle — North Country (Newcastle) Words a paste flower on the top of a pie cover … English dialects glossary
dozzle — … Useful english dictionary
Riser (casting) — Underfeeder redirects here. For the health problem, see Underfeeding. A bronze casting showing the sprue and risers A riser, also known as a feeder,[1] is a reservoir built into a metal casting … Wikipedia
Inu Gundam — Infobox animanga/Header name = caption = ja kanji = 犬ガンダム ja romaji = Inu Gandamu genre = Infobox animanga/Manga author = Naoki Karasawa illustrator = publisher = Shūeisha publisher en = publisher other = magazine = Gundam Ace demographic = first … Wikipedia