downstream roller

downstream roller
1) валец в нижнем бьефе
2) валец отогнанного гидравлического прыжка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "downstream roller" в других словарях:

  • Roller-compacted concrete — (RCC) is a special blend of concrete that has the same ingredients as conventional concrete. It has cement, water, and aggregates, but RCC is much drier and essentially has no slump. RCC is placed similar to paving often by dump trucks or… …   Wikipedia

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  • Hippo water roller — The Hippo water roller, or Hippo roller, is a device for carrying water more easily and efficiently than traditional methods, particularly in the developing world. It consists of a barrel shaped container which holds the water and can roll along… …   Wikipedia

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  • Hickory Log Creek — is a stream which runs from northest and north central Cherokee County, Georgia, south southwest to the northeastern part of Canton, the county seat. It is a tributary of the Etowah River, which it meets shortly after crossing under Riverstone… …   Wikipedia

  • River Darent — Confluence of the River Darent (left) and the River Cray on Crayford Marshes. Origin Hills south of Westerham TQ 450 519 …   Wikipedia

  • Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam — Millennium Dam Rendition of the dam …   Wikipedia

  • Medway watermills (lower tributaries) — River Medway (lower tributaries) Legend …   Wikipedia

  • dam — dam1 /dam/, n., v., dammed, damming. n. 1. a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, esp. one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river. 2. a body of water confined by a dam. 3. any barrier resembling a dam. v.t. 4. to furnish with a …   Universalium

  • Dam — /dam, dahm/, n. (Carl Peter) Henrik /kahrl pee ter hen rik/; Dan. /kahrddl pay teuhrdd hen rddik/, 1895 1976, Danish biochemist: Nobel prize for medicine 1943. * * * I Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such… …   Universalium

  • Diamer-Bhasha dam — is the name of a dam that has been planned in the Northern Areas of Pakistan on the River Indus.GeneralThe President of Pakistan during his national address on 17th January 2006 announced the decision of Government to construct 5 multi purpose… …   Wikipedia

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