algebraic code

algebraic code
алгебраический код

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "algebraic code" в других словарях:

  • Algebraic code excited linear prediction — (ACELP) is a speech encoding algorithm where a limited set of pulses is distributed as excitation to linear prediction filter.The ACELP method is widely employed in current speech coding standards such as AMR, EFR, AMR WB and ITU T G series… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction — Der Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction, abgekürzt ACELP, stellt einen patentierten Vocoder der Firma VoiceAge Corporation dar, welcher bei der verlustbehafteten Kompression von Sprachsignalen im Telekommunikationsbereich Anwendung findet.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Code-Excited Linear Prediction — Prinzipaufbau des CELP Decoders Code( book) Excited Linear Prediction (CELP) ist ein hybrides Verfahren zur Audiodatenkompression, das die Vorteile der Signalformkodierung mittels Vektorquantisierung und der parametrischen Verfahren vereint. Das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Code-excited linear prediction — (CELP) is a speech coding algorithm originally proposed by M.R. Schroeder and B.S. Atal in 1985. At the time, it provided significantly better quality than existing low bit rate algorithms, such as residual excited linear prediction and linear… …   Wikipedia

  • Code excited linear prediction — (CELP) is a speech coding algorithm originally proposed by M.R. Schroeder and B.S. Atal in 1985. At the time, it provided significantly better quality than existing low bit rate algorithms, such as RELP and LPC vocoders (e.g. FS 1015). Along with …   Wikipedia

  • Algebraic data type — In computer programming, particularly functional programming and type theory, an algebraic data type (sometimes also called a variant type[1]) is a datatype each of whose values is data from other datatypes wrapped in one of the constructors of… …   Wikipedia

  • Convolutional code — In telecommunication, a convolutional code is a type of error correcting code in which each m bit information symbol (each m bit string) to be encoded is transformed into an n bit symbol, where m/n is the code rate (n ≥ m) and the transformation… …   Wikipedia

  • Cyclic code — In coding theory, cyclic codes are linear block error correcting codes that have convenient algebraic structures for efficient error detection and correction. Contents 1 Definition 2 Algebraic structure 3 Examples …   Wikipedia

  • Polynomial code — In coding theory, a polynomial code is a type of linear code whose set of valid code words consists of those polynomials (usually of some fixed length) that are divisible by a given fixed polynomial (of shorter length, called the generator… …   Wikipedia

  • List of algebraic geometry topics — This is a list of algebraic geometry topics, by Wikipedia page. Contents 1 Classical topics in projective geometry 2 Algebraic curves 3 Algebraic surfaces 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Goppa code — In mathematics, an algebraic geometric code (AG code), otherwise known as a Goppa code, is a general type of linear code constructed by using an algebraic curve X over a finite field mathbb{F} q. Such codes were introduced by V. D. Goppa. In… …   Wikipedia

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