Смотреть что такое "dog-ear" в других словарях:
Dog ear — Dog Dog (d[o^]g), n. [AS. docga; akin to D. dog mastiff, Dan. dogge, Sw. dogg.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A quadruped of the genus {Canis}, esp. the domestic dog ({Canis familiaris}). Note: The dog is distinguished above all others of the inferior animals… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dog-ear — dog′ ear or dog′ear n. 1) a corner of a page folded over like a dog s ear 2) to fold down the corner of (a page in a book) • Etymology: 1650–60 … From formal English to slang
dog-ear — n. a corner of a page turned down to mark a place. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dog-ear — [dôg′ir΄] n. a turned down corner of the leaf of a book vt. to turn down the corner of (a leaf or leaves in a book): Also written dogear dog eared adj. dogeared … English World dictionary
dog-ear — noun a corner of a page turned down to mark your place • Hypernyms: ↑signal, ↑signaling, ↑sign • Part Holonyms: ↑page * * * I. transitive verb also … Useful english dictionary
dog-ear — /ˈdɒg ɪə / (say dog ear) noun 1. the corner of a page in a book folded over like a dog s ear, as by careless use or to mark a place. –verb (t) 2. to disfigure with dog ears. –dog eared, adjective …
dog-ear — noun Date: 1856 the turned down corner of a page especially of a book • dog ear transitive verb … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dog Ear Records — (ドックイヤーレコーズ) is a music production company founded by video game composer Nobuo Uematsu in November 2006. The company publishes video game soundtracks and original albums on disc and digitally through iTunes. The website includes community… … Wikipedia
dog-ear — (dogґēr) a redundancy of skin at the apical angle or along the side of a wound, forming a small protruding triangle of tissue with the appearance of a dog s ear. Dog ears (arrows) … Medical dictionary
dog-ear — /dawg ear , dog /, n. 1. (in a book) a corner of a page folded over like a dog s ear, as by careless use, or to mark a place. 2. Archit. crossette. v.t. 3. to fold down the corner of (a page in a book). Also, dogear, dog s ear. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
dog-ear — 1. noun folded corner of a page (as from a book or magazine, so as to mark ones place) 2. verb To fold the corner of a books page. His eyes went to his book and stayed there long enough to finish a paragraph … Wiktionary