- documentation
1) документация2) научно-техническая информация3) документирование; документальное подтверждение•
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Documentation — is a term used in several different ways. Generally, documentation (to document) refers to the process of providing evidence. Modules of Documentation are Helpful. The most common meanings are: the process of documenting knowledge (or rather… … Wikipedia
DOCUMENTATION — Le progrès de la science étant une œuvre collective, les informations doivent circuler entre les chercheurs d’une manière aussi rapide et complète que possible. Qu’il s’agisse des méthodes expérimentales employées, des observations effectuées,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
documentation — doc‧u‧men‧ta‧tion [ˌdɒkjmənˈteɪʆn, men ǁ ˌdɑːk ] noun [uncountable] 1. documents that are used to prove that something is true or correct, or as a record of something: • He was asked to provide documentation of his personal finances. 2.… … Financial and business terms
Documentation — see «Document» Источник … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
documentation — I noun annals, authentication, authority, basis, certification, circumstantiation, confirmation, corroboration, data, evidence, evidential record, evidentiary record, exhibit, factual basis, grounds, grounds for belief, medium of proof, proof,… … Law dictionary
documentation — 1754, admonition, from M.L. documentationem (nom. documentio) admonition (see DOCUMENT (Cf. document)). Meaning furnishing with documents or papers is from 1884, probably from DOCUMENT (Cf. document). Meaning collection of informational papers is … Etymology dictionary
documentation — ► NOUN 1) the documents required in the provision of information or evidence. 2) written specifications or instructions … English terms dictionary
documentation — [däk΄yəmən tā′shən, däk΄yəmentā′shən] n. 1. the supplying of documents or supporting references; use of documentary evidence 2. the documents or references thus supplied 3. the collecting, abstracting, and coding of printed or written information … English World dictionary
Documentation — La documentation est l action de sélectionner, de classifier, d utiliser, et de diffuser des documents. Le métier de documentaliste est donc à classifier dans le domaine des services, mais aussi dans le domaine de l éducation avec le métier de… … Wikipédia en Français
documentation — n. 1) to provide documentation for 2) strong; weak documentation * * * [ˌdɒkjʊmen teɪʃ(ə)n] weak documentation strong to provide documentation for … Combinatory dictionary
documentation — doc|u|men|ta|tion [ˌdɔkjumənˈteıʃən, men US ˌda:k ] n 1.) [U] official documents, reports etc that are used to prove that something is true or correct ▪ Applicants must provide supporting documentation . 2.) [U and C] the act of recording… … Dictionary of contemporary English