DNA base composition

DNA base composition
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "DNA base composition" в других словарях:

  • DNA repair — For the journal, see DNA Repair (journal). DNA damage resulting in multiple broken chromosomes DNA repair refers to a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encode its genome. In human… …   Wikipedia

  • DNA denaturation — DNA denaturation, also called DNA melting, is the process by which double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid unwinds and separates into single stranded strands through the breaking of hydrogen bonding between the bases. Both terms are used to refer… …   Wikipedia

  • DNA, RNA and proteins: The three essential macromolecules of life — All living organisms are dependent on three types of very large molecules for essentially all of their biological functions. These molecules are DNA, RNA and proteins, and are classified as biological macromolecules.[1] Without DNA, RNA and… …   Wikipedia

  • Satellite DNA — DNA that contains many tandem (not inverted) repeats of a short basic repeating unit. Satellite DNA is located at very specific spots in the genome (on chromosomes 1, 9, 16 and the Y chromosome, the tiny short arms of chromosomes 13 15 and 21 and …   Medical dictionary

  • composition — In chemistry, the kinds and numbers of atoms constituting a molecule. [L. compono, to arrange] base c. the proportions of the four bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine or uracil) present in DNA or RNA; usually expressed as the… …   Medical dictionary

  • satellite DNA — (= minisatellite; microsatellite) DNA, usually containing highly repetitive sequences, that has a base composition (and thus density) sufficiently different from that of normal DNA that it sediments as a distinct band in caesium chloride density… …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • Molecular models of DNA — While this purified DNA precipitated in a water jug (left) appears to be a formless mass, nucleic acids actually possess intricate structure at the nanoscale (right). M …   Wikipedia

  • Mitochondrial DNA — Human mitochondrial DNA …   Wikipedia

  • Genealogical DNA test — For a non technical introduction to genetics in general, see Introduction to genetics. Part of a series on Genetic genealogy Concepts Population genetics Haplogroup/ Haplotype Most recent common ancestor Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups Human… …   Wikipedia

  • Mutacionismo — El mutacionismo abarca a todas aquellas mujeres hermosas teorías de la evolución en las que la mutación es la principal fuerza de cambio. El mutacionismo considera que las mutaciones son el agente verdaderamente creativo del cambio orgánico… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mutationism — (sometimes, “Mendelism”) refers to the theory emphasizing mutation as a creative principle and source of discontinuity in evolutionary change, particularly associated with the founders of modern genetics. Contents 1 The discovery of genetics… …   Wikipedia

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