distribution [distributive] valve

distribution [distributive] valve
1) распределительный клапан
2) гидро- или пневмораспределитель
3) мн. ч. распределительная арматура

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "distribution [distributive] valve" в других словарях:

  • Organ transplantation — Intervention Cosmas and Damian miraculously transplant the (black) leg of a Moor onto the (white) body of Justinian. Ditzingen, 16th century ICD 10 PCS …   Wikipedia

  • Organ transplant — An organ transplant is the moving of a whole or partial organ from one body to another (or from a donor site on the patient s own body), for the purpose of replacing the recipient s damaged or failing organ with a working one from the donor site …   Wikipedia

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