distributing [distribution] system

distributing [distribution] system
1) распределительная система; распределительная сеть
2) система распределения продукции (погрузка, транспортирование, разгрузка, хранение, реализация)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "distributing [distribution] system" в других словарях:

  • Satellite Distribution System — The Satellite Distribution System (SADIS) is a worldwide satellite based broadcast system dedicated to primarily distributing aeronautical meteorological information in line with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) standards.… …   Wikipedia

  • Short Form Prospectus Distribution System - SFPDS — A system that allows firms making an issue to produce a short form prospectus. The short form prospectus must contain any material changes not previously reported. There are some issuers who continuously disclose information, and they have the… …   Investment dictionary

  • Distribution —   The process of distributing electricity; usually defines that portion of an electrical utility s power lines between a utility s power pole and transformer and a customer s point of connection/meter.   The system of wires, switches, and… …   Energy terms

  • Distribution Line —   One or more circuits of a distribution system on the same line or poles or supporting structures usually operating at a lower voltage relative to the transmission line.   This is a line or system for distributing power from a transmission… …   Energy terms

  • distribution — distributional, adj. /dis treuh byooh sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of distributing. 2. the state or manner of being distributed. 3. arrangement; classification. 4. something that is distributed. 5. the frequency of occurrence or the natural… …   Universalium

  • distribution — /dɪstrəˈbjuʃən / (say distruh byoohshuhn) noun 1. the act of distributing. 2. the state or manner of being distributed. 3. arrangement; classification. 4. that which is distributed. 5. the places where things of any particular category occur: the …  

  • distribution resource planning — /dɪstrɪˌbju:ʃ(ə)n rɪ sɔ:s ˌplænɪŋ/ noun planning, especially using a computerised system, that is intended to ensure the most efficient use of the resources used in distributing goods (NOTE: Effective distribution resource planning integrates… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • system paying agent — ( SPA) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The party within the CSD that is responsible for distributing resources relating to a specific distribution to other CSD parties. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary …   Financial and business terms

  • system paying agent — (SPA) The party within the CSD that is responsible for distributing resources relating to a specific distribution to other CSD parties …   Euroclear glossary

  • New York City water supply system — New York City s water supply system is one of the most extensive municipal water systems in the world. This complex system relies on a combination of tunnels, aqueducts and reservoirs to meet the daily needs of 8 million residents and many… …   Wikipedia

  • Three-tier (alcohol distribution) — The Three tier system of alcohol distribution is the system for distributing alcoholic beverages set up in the United States after the repeal of Prohibition. The three tiers are producers, distributors, and retailers. A producer must sell to a… …   Wikipedia

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