- distributed system
распределённая система
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
distributed system — noun (computing) A system of computers connected by a network with each major function of the system being assigned to a different computer • • • Main Entry: ↑distribute * * * disˌtributed ˈsystem 7 [distributed system] noun a number of… … Useful english dictionary
distributed system — UK US noun [C] IT ► a system in which several computers are used together, sharing software, data, etc.: »A distributed system consisting of a number of computers connected by a network can be subject to independent failure of any of its… … Financial and business terms
distributed system — paskirstytoji sistema statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. distributed system vok. dezentralisiertes System, n; verteiltes System, n rus. распределённая система, f pranc. système réparti, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Distributed System Security Architecture — or (DSSA) is a computer security architecture that provides a suite of functions including login, authentication, and access control in a distributed system. To differ from other similar architectures, the DSSA architecture offers the ability to… … Wikipedia
Distributed System Object Model — [Abk. DSOM], Objektmodell … Universal-Lexikon
Distributed System Object Model — Abbreviated DSOM. IBM s extension to System Object Model (SOM) that allows objects to communicate in a distributed processing environment … Dictionary of networking
distributed system — noun a number of independent computers linked by a network … English new terms dictionary
distributed system — /dɪstrɪbjutəd ˈsɪstəm/ (say distribyoohtuhd sistuhm) noun Computers an application which makes use of computers located in different places but connected by a network to perform a single task or set of related tasks …
Internet Distributed System — Internet Distributed System (分散式架構系統) was invented by Dr. Ta Hsiung Hu(PhD)(胡大雄博士) and the Research and Development department of Kinghood Technology Ltd. [http://www.kinghood.com.tw] in January, 2003.The idea behind the Internet Distributed sys … Wikipedia
Wireless Distributed System — Ein Wireless Distribution System bzw. Wireless Distributed System, kurz WDS, ist ein Funknetzwerk aus mehreren WLAN Basisstationen (Wireless Access Point, AP). Mit einem WDS kann man eine größere Netzabdeckung erreichen als mit einem einzelnen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Distributed computing — is a field of computer science that studies distributed systems. A distributed system consists of multiple autonomous computers that communicate through a computer network. The computers interact with each other in order to achieve a common goal … Wikipedia