display processor

display processor
1) дисплейный процессор, процессор дисплея
2) процессор (для обработки) изображений

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "display processor" в других словарях:

  • VDP2 32-bit background and scroll plane video display processor — The VDP 2 serves as the Sega Saturn s background processor. Certain special effects such as texture transparency and playfield rotation and scrolling (up to five fields at any given time) are handled here.Both the VDP2 and VDP1 32 bit video… …   Wikipedia

  • VDP1 32-bit video display processor — The Sega Saturn is equipped with dual custom VDP chips for graphics processing. The VDP1 chip is primarily responsible for sprite generation. Polygon generation is accomplished through manipulation of the sprite engine. Texture mapping and… …   Wikipedia

  • Processor Technology — Bob Marsh founded Processor Technology Corporation (a microcomputer company) in April 1975. Bob Marsh, Lee Felsenstein and Gordon French started designing the Sol 20 Terminal Computer in June 1975. The SOL 20 utilized the Intel 8080 8 bit… …   Wikipedia

  • Display resolution — For screen sizes (typically in inches, measured in the diagonal), see Display size. For a list of particular display resolutions, see Graphic display resolutions. This chart shows the most common display resolutions, with the color of each… …   Wikipedia

  • Display list — A display list (or display file) is a series of graphics commands that define an output image. The image is created (rendered) by executing the commands. For a display device without a frame buffer, such as the old vector graphics displays, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Display aspect ratio — The Aspect ratio of a display is the fractional relation of the width of the display area compared to its height. The aspect ratio is expressed as two numbers separated by a colon. That is, for an x:y aspect ratio, no matter how big or small the… …   Wikipedia

  • Display Serial Interface — The Display Serial Interface (DSI) is a specification by the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) Alliance aimed at reducing the cost of display sub systems in a mobile device. This is commonly targeted at LCD and similar display… …   Wikipedia

  • Display Serial Interface — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. DSI. Вводный раздел этой статьи слишком длинный и не обобщает её содержимое. Пожалуйста, напишите вводный раздел этой статьи, сделав доступный сжатый пересказ ключевых положений …   Википедия

  • Display pixel interface — The Display pixel interface (DPI) is the interface defined by the Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI), which is used for Active Matrix LCD displays for handheld devices. It is intended for the display modules in the mobile devices.… …   Wikipedia

  • Video Display Controller — A Video Display Controller or VDC is an integrated circuit which is the main component in a video signal generator, a device responsible for the production of a TV video signal in a computing or game system. Some VDCs also generate a sound signal …   Wikipedia

  • Geode (processor) — For other uses of Geode, see Geode (disambiguation) Geode is a series of x86 compatible System on a chip microprocessors and I/O companions produced by AMD targeted at the embedded computing market.The series was originally launched by National… …   Wikipedia

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