display menu

display menu
экранное меню

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "display menu" в других словарях:

  • Display menu — Меню, список команд (для формирования изображения на дисплее) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Menu bar — A menu bar is a region of a screen or application interface where drop down menus are displayed. The menu bar s purpose is to supply a common housing for window or application specific menus which provide access to such functions as opening files …   Wikipedia

  • Menu — For other uses, see Menu (disambiguation). A menu from a Vietnamese restaurant. In a restaurant, a menu is a presentation of food and beverage offerings. A menu may be a la carte – which guests use to choose from a list of options – or table d… …   Wikipedia

  • Menu (computing) — A generic application menu In computing and telecommunications, a menu is a list of commands presented to an operator by a computer or communications system. A menu is used in contrast to a command line interface, where instructions to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Menu extra — A menu extra, menu item, menulet, or status item in Mac OS X is a small icon or sometimes a word that appears at the right of the menu bar. They often provide quick ways to use applications (e.g. iChat) or display information (for example the… …   Wikipedia

  • Display Control Channel — (DCC) is an advanced method of implementing an on screen display (OSD) technology on KVM switches. On screen display technology used on KVM switches is used to show control and selection functions pertaining to the KVM, such as what port is… …   Wikipedia

  • menu — noun (plural menus) Etymology: French, from menu small, detailed, from Old French more at minuet Date: 1837 1. a. a list of the dishes that may be ordered (as in a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a banquet) b. (1) a comparable list or …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • On-screen display — OSD signifie On Screen Display (Menu à l écran). Un OSD est une interface utilisateur qui apparaît à l écran d un téléviseur ou d un ordinateur et qui permet d effectuer des réglages de cet écran ou bien d un autre appareil qui lui est relié… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Start menu — For the keyboard button that activates the start menu see Windows key. The Start Menu and Start Button are user interface elements in the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, which serve as the central launching point for application and… …   Wikipedia

  • Pie menu — A pie menu. In computer interface design, a pie menu (also known as a radial menu) is a circular context menu where selection depends on direction. A pie menu is made of several pie slices around an inactive center and works best with stylus… …   Wikipedia

  • Context menu — A desktop context menu in GNOME which can be customized Context menus in Windows XP are customizable by third party software. A context menu (also called contextual, shortcut …   Wikipedia

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