- disperse(d) particles
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Disperse Red 9 — Disperse Red 9, also called C.I. 60505 and 1 methylamino anthraquinone, is a red dye derived from anthraquinone. It has the appearance of a red powder with melting point of 170 172 °C. Its CAS number is [ … Wikipedia
disperse system — n. a two phase colloidal system consisting of the colloidal particles (disperse phase) and the medium in which they are suspended (disperse medium) * * * … Universalium
disperse system — n. a two phase colloidal system consisting of the colloidal particles (disperse phase) and the medium in which they are suspended (disperse medium) … English World dictionary
disperse — dispersedly /di sperr sid lee/, adv. disperser, n. dispersibility, n. dispersible, adj. /di sperrs /, v., dispersed, dispersing, adj. v.t. 1. to drive or send off in various directions; scatter: to disperse a crowd. 2. to spread widely; dissemin … Universalium
disperse medium — dispersion medium, dispersive medium the continuous or external portion of a colloid system in which the particles of the disperse phase are distributed; it is analogous to the solvent in a true solution. Cf. disperse phase … Medical dictionary
disperse — To dissipate, to cause disappearance of, to scatter, to dilute. * * * dis·perse dis pərs vb, dis·persed; dis·pers·ing vt to spread or distribute from a fixed or constant source: as a) to subject (as light) to dispersion b) to distribute (as fine… … Medical dictionary
disperse phase — noun see dispersed phase * * * disperse phase, Chemistry. the particles in a colloidal system which are dispersed throughout a medium … Useful english dictionary
disperse — verb (dispersed; dispersing) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin dispersus, past participle of dispergere to scatter, from dis + spargere to scatter more at spark Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. a. to cause to … New Collegiate Dictionary
disperse — dis•perse [[t]dɪˈspɜrs[/t]] v. persed, pers•ing 1) to drive or send off in various directions; scatter 2) to spread widely; disseminate 3) to dispel; cause to vanish: The wind dispersed the fog[/ex] 4) chem. to cause (particles) to separate… … From formal English to slang
disperse phase — /dəsˈpɜs feɪz/ (say duhs pers fayz) noun that stage of a colloidal solution in which the particles are suspended …
disperse — v. 1 intr. & tr. go, send, drive, or distribute in different directions or over a wide area. 2 a intr. (of people at a meeting etc.) leave and go their various ways. b tr. cause to do this. 3 tr. send to or station at separate points. 4 tr. put… … Useful english dictionary