dislocation formation

dislocation formation
образование дислокаций

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "dislocation formation" в других словарях:

  • Dislocation — For the syntactic operation, see Dislocation (syntax). For the medical term, see Joint dislocation. In materials science, a dislocation is a crystallographic defect, or irregularity, within a crystal structure. The presence of dislocations… …   Wikipedia

  • Dislocation creep — is a deformation mechanism in crystalline materials. Dislocation creep involves the movement of dislocations through the crystal lattice of the material. It causes plastic deformation of the individual crystals and in the end the material itself …   Wikipedia

  • Dislocation of hip — Classification and external resources X ray showing a joint dislocation of the left hip. ICD 10 S …   Wikipedia

  • dislocation — [ dislɔkasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1314; lat. méd. dislocatio 1 ♦ Le fait de se disloquer, état de ce qui est disloqué. ♢ Méd. Déplacement anormal, en général par traumatisme (d un organe ou d une partie du corps). Dislocation d une articulation. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Dislocation of hip in animals — Dislocation of hip (coxofemoral luxation) may occur in domestic animals. It is a not rare condition, usually unilateral, in: cattle, among others, after calving. dogs, resulting from trauma or as a complication of hip dysplasia. The same illness… …   Wikipedia

  • Dislocation — Pour les articles homonymes, voir dislocation (linguistique) et Dislocation (groupe). En science des matériaux, une dislocation est un défaut linéaire correspondant à une discontinuité dans l organisation de la structure cristalline. Une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dislocation — /dis loh kay sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of dislocating. 2. the state of being dislocated. 3. Crystall. (in a crystal lattice) a line about which there is a discontinuity in the lattice structure. Cf. defect (def. 3). [1350 1400; ME… …   Universalium

  • Dislocation, congenital hip — The abnormal formation of the hip joint in which the ball at the top of the thighbone (the femoral head) is not stable within the socket (the acetabulum). The ligaments of the hip joint may also be loose and stretched. The degree of instability… …   Medical dictionary

  • Congenital hip dislocation — The abnormal formation of the hip joint in which the ball at the top of the thighbone (the femoral head) is not stable within the socket (the acetabulum). The ligaments of the hip joint may also be loose and stretched. The degree of instability… …   Medical dictionary

  • DDH (developmental dislocation of the hip) — The abnormal formation of the hip joint in which the ball at the top of the thighbone (the femoral head) is not stable within the socket (the acetabulum). The ligaments of the hip joint may also be loose and stretched. The degree of instability… …   Medical dictionary

  • Developmental dislocation of the hip (DDH) — The abnormal formation of the hip joint in which the ball at the top of the thighbone (the femoral head) is not stable within the socket (the acetabulum). The ligaments of the hip joint may also be loose and stretched. The degree of instability… …   Medical dictionary

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