discharge tube
Смотреть что такое "discharge tube" в других словарях:
discharge tube — n. Elec. 1. any of various devices in which a gas or metal vapor inside sealed glass is used to conduct current when voltage is applied 2. such a device used as a lamp (discharge lamp), as with neon or mercury vapor … English World dictionary
discharge tube — išlydžio vamzdis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. discharge tube; discharging tube vok. Entladungsröhre, f; Entladungsrohr, n rus. разрядная труба, f pranc. tube de décharge, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
discharge tube — noun Date: 1898 an electron tube which contains gas or vapor at low pressure and through which conduction takes place when a high voltage is applied … New Collegiate Dictionary
discharge tube — Electronics. See gas tube. [1895 1900] * * * … Universalium
discharge tube — noun a gas filled tube in which light emission is induced by exciting the gas molecules by means of an electric field … English new terms dictionary
discharge tube — noun : an electron tube which contains gas or vapor at low pressure and through which conduction takes place when a high voltage is applied … Useful english dictionary
discharge tube — a vessel of insulating material (usually glass) provided with metal electrodes which is exhausted to a low gas pressure and permits the passage of electricity through the residual gas when a moderately high voltage is applied to the electrodes … Medical dictionary
gas-discharge tube — noun a tube in which an electric discharge takes place through a gas • Hypernyms: ↑tube, ↑vacuum tube, ↑thermionic vacuum tube, ↑thermionic tube, ↑electron tube, ↑thermionic valve • Hyponyms: ↑cathode r … Useful english dictionary
gas-discharge tube — dujošvytė lempa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gas discharge lamp; gas discharge tube vok. Gasentladungslampe, f; Gasentladungsröhre, f rus. газосветная лампа, f pranc. lampe à décharge dans un gaz, f; tube à décharge lumineuse, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
hollow cathode discharge tube — išlydžio lempa su tuščiaviduriu katodu statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. hollow cathode discharge tube vok. Hohlkatodenentladungsröhre, f rus. разрядная трубка с полым катодом, f pranc. tube à décharge à cathode creuse, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
gas-discharge tube — dujų išlydžio vamzdis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gas discharge tube vok. Gasentladungsröhre, f rus. газоразрядная трубка, f pranc. tube à décharge dans le gaz, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas