discharge head
Смотреть что такое "discharge head" в других словарях:
Discharge (band) — Discharge Discharge live in Rome on 17 December 2006 Background information Origin Stoke on Trent, England … Wikipedia
Discharge — live in Rom 2006 Logo von Discharge … Deutsch Wikipedia
head — [hed] n. [ME hede, heved < OE heafod, akin to Ger haupt (OHG houbit, Goth haubith) < IE base * kaput (orig. prob. cup shaped) > L caput: merged in Gmc with word akin to OHG hūba, a cap, crest (Ger haube) < IE base * keu , to bend,… … English World dictionary
Discharge pressure — (also called high side pressure or head pressure) is the pressure generated on the output side of a gas compressor in a refrigeration or air conditioning system. The discharge pressure is affected by several factors: size and speed of the… … Wikipedia
Head of Passes — is where the main stem of the Mississippi River branches off into three distinct directions at its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico: Southwest Pass (west), Pass A Loutre (east) and South Pass (centre). They are part of the Bird s Foot Delta , the… … Wikipedia
Head pressure — may refer to: *Discharge pressure *hydrostatic pressure difference … Wikipedia
Discharge (hydrology) — In hydrology, discharge is the volume rate of water flow, including any suspended solids (i.e. sediment), dissolved chemical species (i.e. CaCO3(aq)) and/or biologic material (i.e. diatoms), which is transported through a given cross sectional… … Wikipedia
head, total static — Static head from the surface of the supply source to the free discharge surface … Dictionary of automotive terms
head pressure — [1] Pressure which exists in condensing side of refrigerating system. [2] Force caused by the weight of a column or body of fluids. Expressed in feet, inches, or psi. [3] Refrigerant pressure in the lines and condenser between the discharge reed… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Total dynamic head — (TDH) is the total height that a fluid is to be pumped, taking into account friction losses in the pipe.TDH = Static Lift + Static Height + Friction Losswhere: Static Lift is the height the water will rise before arriving at the pump (also known… … Wikipedia
Electrical discharge machining — An electrical discharge machine Electric discharge machining (EDM), sometimes colloquially also referred to as spark machining, spark eroding, burning, die sinking or wire erosion,[1] is a manufacturing process whereby a desired shape is obtained … Wikipedia