Смотреть что такое "disbond" в других словарях:
Cessna 400 — Corvalis TT Role Civil personal transportation aircraft Manufacturer Cessna … Wikipedia
Cessna 350 — Corvalis Role Personal aircraft Manufacturer Cessna Status Production com … Wikipedia
dissolve — v 1. solvate, (in prescriptions) solvere, macerate, put into a solution; liquefy, melt, thaw, thaw out, deliquesce, fuse. 2. disbond, untie, unbind, resolve into; separate, sever, dissever, break up, divide, disconnect, detach, disjoin,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
sever — v 1. dissever; cut off, chop off, lop off, bob, dock, hack off, hew off, slice off, shear off, scissor; cleave, rive, cut in two or apart, split, divide, halve, bisect, bifurcate, Obs. dimidiate; separate, break apart, tear or rip apart, dissect … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder