directional gain

directional gain
индекс направленности (микрофона или громкоговорителя)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "directional gain" в других словарях:

  • Gain compression — in an electronic amplifier circuit is a reduction in differential or slope gain caused by nonlinearity of the transfer function of the amplifying device. This nonlinearity may be caused by heat due to power dissipation, or by overdriving the… …   Wikipedia

  • Directional antenna — Log periodic dipole array A directional antenna or beam antenna is an antenna which radiates greater power in one or more directions allowing for increased performance on transmit and receive and reduced interference from unwanted sources.… …   Wikipedia

  • directional antenna — An antenna or aerial that radiates and receives signals mainly from one direction. For terrestrial radio communications, directionality in an azimuth or a horizontal plane is important. Directional antennae are either monodirectional,… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Gain — For other uses, see Gain (disambiguation). In electronics, gain is a measure of the ability of a circuit (often an amplifier) to increase the power or amplitude of a signal from the input to the output. It is usually defined as the mean ratio of… …   Wikipedia

  • gain — [[t]geɪn[/t]] v. t. 1) to get (something desired), esp. as a result of one s efforts; obtain; secure: to gain possession of land; to gain permission to enter[/ex] 2) to acquire as an increase or addition: to gain weight; to gain speed[/ex] 3) to… …   From formal English to slang

  • gain — gain1 gainable, adj. /gayn/, v.t. 1. to get (something desired), esp. as a result of one s efforts: to gain possession of an object; to gain permission to enter a country. 2. to acquire as an increase or addition: to gain weight; to gain speed. 3 …   Universalium

  • Antenna gain — is defined as the ratio of the radiation intensity of an antenna in a given direction, to the intensity of the same antenna as it radiates in all directions (isotropically). Since the radiation intensity of an isotropically radiated power is… …   Wikipedia

  • High-gain antenna — The high gain antenna (HGA) is an antenna with a focused, narrow radiowave beam width. This narrow beam width allows more precise targeting of the radio signal also known as a directional antenna. Most commonly referred to during space missions,… …   Wikipedia

  • Power dividers and directional couplers — A 10 dB 1.7–2.2 GHz directional coupler. From left to right: input, coupled, isolated (terminated with a load), and transmitted port …   Wikipedia

  • Variable-gain amplifier — A variable gain or voltage controlled amplifier is an electronic amplifier that varies its gain depending on a control voltage (often abbreviated CV). VCAs have many applications, including audio level compression, synthesizers and amplitude… …   Wikipedia

  • Directive gain — In telecommunications, the term directive gain has the following meanings: 1. Of an antenna, the ratio of 4π times the radiant intensity in a given direction ( i.e. , power radiated per unit solid angle), to the total power.The directive gain is… …   Wikipedia

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