direction(al) comparison

direction(al) comparison
сравнение направлений мощностей (в релейной защите)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "direction(al) comparison" в других словарях:

  • Direction finding — (DF) refers to the establishment of the direction from which a received signal was transmitted. This can refer to radio or other forms of wireless communication. By combining the direction information from two or more suitably spaced receivers… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of European road signs — Example of Swiss sign near Lugano Despite an apparent uniformity and standardization, European traffic signs presents relevant differences between countries. However most European countries refer to the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of cricket and baseball — Cricket and baseball are the best known members of a family of related bat and ball games. While many of their rules, terminology, and strategies are similar, there are many differences some subtle, some major between the two games. Other present …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison between cricket and baseball — Baseball and cricket at the professional level are the best known members of a family of related bat and ball games. While many of their rules, terminology, and strategies are similar, there are many differences some subtle, some major between… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of layout engines (Cascading Style Sheets) — Cascading Style Sheets CSS Animations Dynamic CSS Comparison of layout engines Comparison of stylesheet languages Internet Explorer box model bug CSS Zen Garden The Zen of CSS Design CSSTidy Style sheet Tableless web design Holy Grail (web… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of American football and rugby union — A comparison of American football and rugby union is possible because of the games shared origins, despite their dissimilarities. A rugby union match from the 2011 Rugby World Cup showing the sports distinguishing feature, the ball carrier leads… …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of C Sharp and Java — The correct title of this article is Comparison of C# and Java. The substitution or omission of the # sign is because of technical restrictions. Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of Java and C Sharp — This is a comparison of the C# programming language with the Java programming language. As the two are both garbage collected runtime compiled languages with syntax derived from C and C++, there are many similarities between Java and C#. However …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of Iraq War to the Algerian War — There have been comparisons in public debate comparing the Iraq War to the Algerian War (1954–1962).[1] Henry Kissinger advised President George W. Bush to read A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954–1962 (Viking, 1977) by Alistair Horne about the… …   Wikipedia

  • Direction, position, or indication sign — An example of a British direction sign on the approach to a roundabout …   Wikipedia

  • Comparison of Canadian and American football — Canadian and American football are very similar, as both have their origins in rugby. As such, the rules of these sports are very similar, although a comparison illustrates some key differences.HistoryFootball was introduced to North America in… …   Wikipedia

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