direct lightning strike

direct lightning strike
прямой разряд молнии

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "direct lightning strike" в других словарях:

  • Lightning strike — Lightning strikes are electrical discharges caused by lightning, typically during thunderstorms.Humans can be hit by lightning directly when outdoors. Contrary to popular notion, there is no safe location outdoors. People have been struck in… …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning Strike Coalition — The Lightning Strike Coalition (or L.S.C.) is a fictional faction of Autobots in Dreamwave Productions comic series. They were introduced in volume 2 of the series, known as The Dark Ages . The L.S.C. used hit and run tactics against their… …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning rod — A lightning rod (USA) or lightning conductor (UK) is a single component in a lightning protection system. In addition to rods placed at regular intervals on the highest portions of a structure, a lightning protection system typically includes a… …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning — This article is about the atmospheric electrical phenomenon. For other uses, see Lightning (disambiguation). See also: Lightning strike Lightning striking Atlanta, United States Lightning is an atmospheric electrostatic discharge (spar …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning protection system — A lightning protection system is a system that protects a structure from damage due to lightning strikes, either through safely conducting the strike to the ground, or preventing the structure from being struck. Most lightning protection systems… …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning detector — A lightning detector is a device that detects lightning produced by thunderstorms. There are three primary types of detectors: ground based systems using multiple antennas, mobile systems using a direction and a sense antenna in the same location …   Wikipedia

  • Lightning injuries — A major source of injury and death from the environment, lightning is one of the top 3 causes of death from environmental origins. (The other top environmental killers are floods and extreme temperatures.) Lightning is neither a direct current… …   Medical dictionary

  • Lightning II — Lockheed Martin F 35 Lightning II F 35A Prototyp AA 1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • strike — Synonyms and related words: abbreviate, abridge, administer, adopt, advance against, advance upon, affect, afflict, aggravated assault, aggression, agree on, aim, ambush, amphibious attack, arise, armed assault, arrest, arrest the thoughts,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • strike — [c]/straɪk / (say struyk) verb (struck) or stricken) –verb (t) 1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit: he struck her and she fell to the floor. 2. to deliver a blow, stroke, or thrust with …  

  • lightning rod — 1. a rodlike conductor installed to divert lightning away from a structure by providing a direct path to the ground. 2. a person or thing that attracts and absorbs powerful and esp. negative or hostile feelings, opinions, etc., thereby diverting… …   Universalium

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