- airflow angle
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Angle of incidence — is a measure of deviation of something from straight on , for example: in the approach of a ray to a surface, or the angle at which the wing or horizontal tail of an airplane is installed on the fuselage, measured relative to the axis of the… … Wikipedia
angle of attack — The acute angle between the chord line and the relative airflow. Often referred to as an angle of incidence which it is not. The angle of attack should not be confused with the pitch angle or attitude of aircraft, which are angles relative to the … Aviation dictionary
Angle of attack — In this diagram, the black lines represent the flow of a fluid around a two dimensional airfoil shape. The angle α is the angle of attack. Angle of attack (AOA, α, Greek letter alpha) is a term used in fluid dynamics to describe the angle between … Wikipedia
angle of attack — noun a) The angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the airflow over it; one of the determiners of the amount of lift produced by an airfoil. b) The angle between a mid sail and the direction of the wind … Wiktionary
angle of advance — The angle between the relative airflow and the plane of rotation of a propeller. Also known as a helix angle … Aviation dictionary
angle of attack — noun Aeronautics the angle between the line of the chord of an aerofoil and the relative airflow … English new terms dictionary
angle of attack — an′gle of attack′ n. aer. the acute angle between the chord of an aircraft wing or other airfoil and the direction of airflow • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
critical angle — 1. Optics. the minimum angle of incidence beyond which total internal reflection occurs for light traveling from a medium of higher to one of lower index of refraction; the angle of incidence for which refracted rays emerge tangent to the surface … Universalium
effective angle of attack — That part of a given angle of attack that lies between the chord of an airfoil and a line representing the resultant velocity of the disturbed flow. This angle is measured on a finite wing, but it has the same effective magnitude as that of an… … Aviation dictionary
effective helix angle — An angle of helix described by the point of a propeller blade in flight through still air measured relative to earth. A helix angle is the angle between the relative airflow and the plane of rotation of a propeller. See helix angle … Aviation dictionary
stalling angle — /ˈstɔlɪŋ ˌæŋgəl/ (say stawling .angguhl) noun Aeronautics the angle of attack providing maximum lift for an aircraft; below this angle the airflow becomes turbulent, leading to an abrupt loss of lift. See angle of attack. Also, stall angle …