
absorber diode
avalanche diode
avalanche transit-time diode
avalanche-injection diode
backward diode
back diode
back-to-back diodes
barrier-injection transit-time diode
blocking diode
- blued silicon diode -
booster diode
bootstrap diode
breakdown diode
bulk negative conductivity diode
Burrus diode
catching diode
catwhisker diode
centering diode
charge-storage diode
circular laser diode
clamping diode
clamp diode
clipper diode
coaxial diode
conductivity modulated diode
contact diode
crystal diode
damper diode
dc clamping diode
dc clamp diode
deep diode
degenerate tunnel diode
detector diode
double diode
double-base junction diode
double-base diode
double-drift IMPATT diode
double-saturation diode
drain diode
drift diode
dual diode
edge-emitting diode
efficiency booster diode
Esaki diode
fast diode
field-effect diode
finger diode
four-layer diode
frequency multiplication diode
GaAs diode
gas-filled diode
gas diode
gate-controlled diode
germanium diode
glass diode
Gunn-effect diode
Gunn diode
high-current diode
high-power diode
hold-off diode
honey-comb diode
hot-cathode diode
impact avalanche transit-time diode
inductance diode
infrared radiation emitting diode
infrared diode
integral bypass diode
integrated diode
inverse diode
isolating diode
junction-type diode
junction diode
laser diode
light-emitting diode
limiter diode
limiting velocity diode
magnetic diode
majority carrier diode
metal-film semiconductor diode
microwave diode
mixer diode
Mott diode
multielement diode
negative resistance diode
optical diode
oscillating diode
parametric diode
peripheral bypass diode
photosensitive diode
photo diode
photoemissive diode
pickoff diode
p-i-n diode
pinhead diode
planar diode
point diode
point-contact diode
point-junction diode
pulse diode
recovery diode
rectifier diode
reference diode
Schottky-barrier diode
Schottky diode
semiconductor diode
semiconductor rectifier diode
shunt diode
silicon diode
single-drift impact diode
single-drift diode
single-drift region diode
snap-back diode
superconducting diode
super-luminescent diode
switching diode
temperature-compensated diode
transferred-electron diode
trapped plasma avalanche transit-time diode
triple diode
tube diode
tunnel diode
turn-on diode
twin diode
two-base diode
ultrafast-recovery diode
ultrafast diode
upside-down diode
varactor diode
variable-capacitance diode
visible light-emitting diode
voltage regulator diode
voltage-reference diode
vortex diode
whisker diode
Zener diode

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "diode" в других словарях:

  • diode — diode …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • diode — [ djɔd ] n. f. • 1932; de di et ode; cf. cathode ♦ Techn. Composant électronique redresseur de courant alternatif. ⇒ valve. Électron. Tube électronique à deux électrodes (⇒ anode, cathode). Diode à gaz, pour le redressement de puissance. Diode à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • diode — 1886, from Gk. di twice + hodos way (see CEDE (Cf. cede)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • diode — ► NOUN Electronics 1) a semiconductor device with two terminals, typically allowing the flow of current in one direction only. 2) a thermionic valve with two electrodes. ORIGIN from DI (Cf. ↑di ) + a shortened form of ELECTRODE(Cf. ↑electrode) …   English terms dictionary

  • diode — [dī′ōd΄] n. [ DI 1 + ODE1] an electronic device with two electrodes, as either an electron tube with an anode and a cathode or a transistor with a pn junction, used mainly as a rectifier since it conducts current in only one direction …   English World dictionary

  • Diode — Figure 1: Closeup of a diode, showing the square shaped semiconductor crystal (black object on left) …   Wikipedia

  • Diode — La diode (du grec di deux, double ; hodos voie, chemin) est un composant électronique. C est un dipôle non linéaire et polarisé (ou non symétrique). Le sens de branchement de la diode a donc une importance sur le fonctionnement du circuit… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Diode — Schaltzeichen einer Diode und Abbildungen üblicher Gehäuse mit Markierung der Kathode. Kennzeichnung der positiven (+) und negativen (−) Seite bei Beschaltung in Durchlassrichtung. Eine Diode ist ein elektrisches Bauelement, das Strom nur in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Diode — Zweipolröhre; Vakuumdiode; ungesteuerter Gleichrichter; Röhrendiode * * * Di|o|de 〈f. 19; El.〉 früher eine Elektronenröhre, heute ein Halbleiterbauelement mit einer Grenzschicht zw. zwei Halbleitermaterialien zum Gleichrichten od. Richtungsleiten …   Universal-Lexikon

  • diode p-i-n — pin diodas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. intrinsic barrier diode; p i n diode vok. p i n Diode, f rus. p i n диод, m pranc. diode à barrière intrinsèque, f; diode p i n, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Diode — diodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. diode vok. Diode, f rus. диод, m pranc. diode, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

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