digital [digitized] image

digital [digitized] image
цифровое изображение; дискретизированное изображение

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "digital [digitized] image" в других словарях:

  • digital subtraction — a sophisticated radiological technique in which digitization allows X ray examination, most commonly of blood vessels (see angiography), to be performed using smaller volumes of contrast material. A digitized image is taken before the contrast… …   Medical dictionary

  • digital subtraction — a radiological technique that enhances X ray images, most commonly of blood vessels (see angiography). A digitized image is taken before the contrast medium (a ‘mask’) is added, and this is subtracted by computer from the images taken after… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Digital geometry — deals with discrete sets (usually discrete point sets) considered to be digitized models or images of objects of the 2D or 3D Euclidean space. Simply put, digitizing is replacing an object by a discrete set of its points. The images we see on the …   Wikipedia

  • Digital radiography — is a form of x ray imaging, where digital X ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital artifactual value — is a preservation term that refers to the intrinsic value of a digital object, rather than the informational content of the object. There are currently no established standards for what constitutes digital artifactual value. Nonetheless, born… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital signal processing — (DSP) is concerned with the representation of discrete time signals by a sequence of numbers or symbols and the processing of these signals. Digital signal processing and analog signal processing are subfields of signal processing. DSP includes… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital comics — (also known as eComics) can refer to either comics created entirely on a computer (as opposed to comics that are drawn with conventional media, scanned and colored on a computer) or comics released digitally (as opposed to in print). Contents 1… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital mailroom — is a term used to describe the automation of incoming mail processes. Using document scanning and document capture technologies companies can digitise incoming mail and automate the classification and distribution of mail within the organisation …   Wikipedia

  • Digital storytelling — refers to a short form of digital film making that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story. Digital storytelling is a relatively new term which describes the new practice of ordinary people who use digital tools to tell their… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital mapping — (also called digital cartography) is the process by which a collection of data is compiled and formatted into a virtual image. The primary function of this technology is to produce maps that give accurate representations of a particular area,… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital video — For other uses, see Digital video (disambiguation). Digital video is a type of digital recording system that works by using a digital rather than an analog video signal. The terms camera, video camera, and camcorder are used interchangeably in… …   Wikipedia

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