- diffusion theory
теория диффузии
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
diffusion theory — difuzijos teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffusion theory vok. Diffusionstheorie, f rus. диффузионная теория, f; теория диффузии, f pranc. théorie de diffusion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Radiative transfer equation and diffusion theory for photon transport in biological tissue — Photon transport in biological tissue can be equivalently modeled numerically with Monte Carlo simulations or analytically by the radiative transfer equation (RTE). However, the RTE is difficult to solve without introducing approximations. A… … Wikipedia
diffusion — diffusion, diffusionism Diffusion refers to the spread of cultural attributes from one culture to another through contact between different cultural groups. Diffusion theory developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in opposition to… … Dictionary of sociology
Diffusion of innovations — The diffusion of innovations according to Rogers. With successive groups of consumers adopting the new technology (shown in blue), its market share (yellow) will eventually reach the saturation level. In mathematics the S curve is known as the… … Wikipedia
Diffusion equation — The diffusion equation is a partial differential equation which describes density fluctuations in a material undergoing diffusion. It is also used to describe processes exhibiting diffusive like behaviour, for instance the diffusion of alleles in … Wikipedia
Diffusion-controlled reaction — Diffusion controlled (or diffusion limited) reactions are reactions that occur so quickly that the reaction rate is the rate of transport of the reactants through the reaction medium (usually a solution).[1] As quickly as the reactants encounter… … Wikipedia
Diffusion (acoustics) — Diffusion, in acoustics and architectural engineering, is the efficacy by which sound energy is spread evenly in a given environment. A perfectly diffusive sound space is one that has certain key acoustic properties which are the same anywhere in … Wikipedia
Diffusion superficielle — Diffusion de surface Figure 1. Modèle de diffusion d un adatome sur un réseau de surface carré. La fréquence de vibration de l adatome est plus grande que la fréquence des sauts aux sites voisins. Ainsi, le modèle montre deux types de sauts … Wikipédia en Français
Diffusion (disambiguation) — Diffusion is a time dependent random process causing a spread in space. Diffusion may also refer to: In physical sciences Molecular diffusion, spontaneous dispersion of mass (distinct from migration, caused by an external force) Conduction of… … Wikipedia
Diffusion creep — refers to the deformation of crystalline solids by the diffusion of vacancies through their crystal lattice.[1] Diffusion creep results in plastic deformation rather than brittle failure of the material. Diffusion creep is more sensitive to… … Wikipedia
Diffusion (business) — Diffusion is the process by which a new idea or new product is accepted by the market. The rate of diffusion is the speed that the new idea spreads from one consumer to the next. Adoption is similar to diffusion except that it deals with the… … Wikipedia