- dielectric rod
диэлектрический стержень (напр. антенны)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Dielectric resonator — A dielectric resonator (also dielectric resonator oscillator, DRO) is an electronic component that exhibits resonance for a narrow range of frequencies, generally in the microwave band. The resonance is similar to that of a circular hollow… … Wikipedia
Waveguide (electromagnetism) — In electromagnetics and communications engineering, the term waveguide may refer to any linear structure that guides electromagnetic waves. However, the original and most common meaning is a hollow metal pipe used for this purpose.A dielectric… … Wikipedia
волновод — Линия передачи, имеющая одну или несколько проводящих поверхностей, с поперечным сечением в виде замкнутого проводящего контура, охватывающего область распространения электромагнитной энергии [ГОСТ 18238 72] волновод Канал, по которому… … Справочник технического переводчика
Surface wave — Diving grebe creates surface waves In physics, a surface wave is a mechanical wave that propagates along the interface between differing media, usually two fluids with different densities. A surface wave can also be an electromagnetic wave guided … Wikipedia
Guy Beckley Stearns — Guy Beckley Stearns, MD (16 September 1870 1947) was an American physician specializing in homeopathy and the developer of autonomic reflex testing in the study of homeopathic remedies. He also was the founder of the Foundation for Homeopathic… … Wikipedia
диэлектрический стержень — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN dielectric rod … Справочник технического переводчика
диэлектрический стержневой излучатель — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN dielectric rod radiator … Справочник технического переводчика
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
industrial glass — Introduction solid material that is normally lustrous and transparent in appearance and that shows great durability under exposure to the natural elements. These three properties lustre, transparency, and durability make glass a favoured… … Universalium
Liquid crystal — Schlieren texture of liquid crystal nematic phase Liquid crystals (LCs) are a state of matter that have properties between those of a conventional liquid and those of a solid crystal.[1] For instance, an LC may flow like a liquid, but its… … Wikipedia
Atmospheric electricity — is the regular diurnal variations of the Earth s atmospheric electromagnetic network (or, more broadly, any planet s electrical system in its layer of gases). The Earth’s surface, the ionosphere, and the atmosphere is known as the global… … Wikipedia