dielectric polarization

dielectric polarization
1) электрическая поляризация
2) поляризация диэлектрика

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "dielectric polarization" в других словарях:

  • dielectric polarization — dielektrinė poliarizacija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric polarization vok. dielektrische Polarisation, f rus. диэлектрическая поляризация, f pranc. polarisation diélectrique, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • dielectric polarization vector — elektrinės poliarizacijos vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dielectric polarization vector; electric polarization vector vok. elektrischer Polarisationsvektor, m; Vektor der elektrischen Polarisation, m rus. вектор… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • dielectric polarization — noun see polarization …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dielectric relaxation as a chemical rate process — Dielectric relaxation was interpreted as a chemical rate process by Walter Kauzmann. According to Kauzmann, relaxation rates may be arranged in two or more distinct groups: Depending on how rapidly they change with temperature. In one group, we… …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric — A dielectric is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material, as in a conductor, but only slightly shift from their …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric relaxation — is the momentary delay (or lag) in the dielectric constant of a material. This is usually caused by the delay in molecular polarization with respect to a changing electric field in a dielectric medium (e.g. inside capacitors or between two large… …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric spectroscopy — A dielectric permittivity spectrum over a wide range of frequencies. The real and imaginary parts of permittivity are shown, and various processes are depicted: ionic and dipolar relaxation, and atomic and electronic resonances at higher energies …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric dispersion — In physics, dielectric dispersion is the dependence of the permittivity of a dielectric material on the frequency of an applied electric field. Because there is always a lag between changes in polarization and changes in an electric field, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Polarization density — In classical electromagnetism, the polarization density (or electric polarization, or simply polarization) is the vector field that expresses the density of permanent or induced electric dipole moments in a dielectric material. The polarization… …   Wikipedia

  • dielectric — dielectrically, adv. /duy i lek trik/, Elect. n. 1. a nonconducting substance; insulator. 2. a substance in which an electric field can be maintained with a minimum loss of power. adj. 3. of or pertaining to a dielectric substance. [1830 40; DI 3 …   Universalium

  • dielectric heating — noun heating of an insulator by a high frequency electric field • Hypernyms: ↑electrical phenomenon * * * noun : the rapid and uniform heating throughout a nonconducting material by means of a high frequency electromagnetic field, the heat… …   Useful english dictionary

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