- dichroism
дихроизм; дихроичность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Dichroism — Di chro*ism, n. [Gr. ? two colored; di = di s twice + ? color.] (Opt.) The property of presenting different colors by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions, the colors being unlike in the direction of unlike or unequal axes.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dichroism — [dī′krō iz΄əm] n. [< Gr dichroos, of two colors < di , two + chrōs, skin, complexion, color (for IE base see CHROMA) + ISM] 1. the property that doubly refracting crystals have of transmitting light of different colors when looked at from… … English World dictionary
Dichroism — Dichroic redirects here. For the filter, see dichroic filter. For the glass, see dichroic glass. Lampworked dichroic glass bead Dichroism has two related but distinct meanings in optics. A dichroic material is either one which causes visible… … Wikipedia
dichroism — noun Date: 1819 the property of some crystals and solutions of absorbing one of two plane polarized components of transmitted light more strongly than the other; also the property of exhibiting different colors by reflected or transmitted light… … New Collegiate Dictionary
dichroism — See circular dichroism … Dictionary of molecular biology
dichroism — noun a) the property of some crystals of transmitting different colours of light in different directions b) the property of some anisotropic materials of having different absorption coefficients for light polarized in different directions;… … Wiktionary
dichroism — The property of seeming to be differently colored when viewed from emitted light and from transmitted light. [G. di , two, + chroa, color] circular d. (CD) the change from circular polarization to elliptical polarization of monochromatic,… … Medical dictionary
dichroism — dichroizmas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiagos gebėjimas nevienodai sugerti skirtingomis kryptimis poliarizuotą šviesą. atitikmenys: angl. dichroism rus. дихроизм … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dichroism — dichroizmas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. dichroism vok. Dichroismus, m rus. дихроизм, m pranc. dichroïsme, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
dichroism — n. [Gr. dis, twice; chros, color] The property of showing two very different colors, one by transmitted light and the other by reflected light, or as some dyes staining different tissues different colors … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dichroism — /duy kroh iz euhm/, n. 1. Crystall. pleochroism of a uniaxial crystal such that it exhibits two different colors when viewed from two different directions under transmitted light. 2. Chem. the exhibition of essentially different colors by certain … Universalium