Смотреть что такое "DEX" в других словарях:
Dex — may refer to: DEX is a graph database. In astronomy, a contraction of decimal exponent, for use with values on a log10 scale Acronym for Dexterity in role playing games Dexamethasone, a potent synthetic member of the glucocorticoid class of… … Wikipedia
Dex — bezeichnet: Dex, der Frauenheld, US amerikanische Komödie aus dem Jahr 2000 DEX (Graphdatenbank), Datenbanksystem Die Abkürzung Dex steht für: Dextro (rechts) , für rechtsdrehende Substanzen, siehe Nomenklatur Die Abkürzung DEX steht für:… … Deutsch Wikipedia
DEX — may refer to: DEX is a data collection method for vending machines. DEX is a graph database. Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii române DECA (organization) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
dex — (dĕks) n. Slang Dextroamphetamine. * * * … Universalium
Dex — m Mainly U.S.: short form of DEXTER (SEE Dexter) (cf. LEX (SEE Lex) and TEX (SEE Tex)) … First names dictionary
dex- — ↑ dextr … Universal-Lexikon
dex|ie — «DEHK see», noun. U.S. Informal. a Dexedrine pill: »... it is something else again for “bennies,” “dexies” and other assorted pep pills to pile up on the locker room shelf (Time) … Useful english dictionary
dex — ach·roö·dex·trin; am·bi·dex·ter·i·ty; am·bi·dex·trous; am·y·lo·dex·trin; card in·dex; cau·dex; cel·lo·dex·trin; co·dex; dem·o·dex; dex·i·id; dex·i·idae; dex·io·trop·ic; dex·ter·i·ty; dex·ter·ous; dex·ter·ous·ly; dex·ter·ous·ness; dex·trad;… … English syllables
dex — a logarithmic unit being used in astronomy. Originally, dex was a convenient function defined by dex (x) = 10x. But the notation is now being used after the exponent in expressions such as .043 dex, meaning 10 .043. Thus 1 dex equals a factor… … Dictionary of units of measurement
dex — noun An order or factor of ten. When dealing with log to the base 10 transform of a number set the transform of 10, 100, and 1 000 000 is , , and , so the difference between 10 and 100 in base 10 is 1 dex and the difference between 1 and 1 000… … Wiktionary
DEX — Die Abkürzung DEX steht für: Decrement Index Register in der Assemblerprogrammierung Delta Epsilon Chi, eine Untergliederung der amerikanischen DECA … Deutsch Wikipedia