
1) устройство
2) установка; агрегат
3) аппарат
4) механизм
5) прибор; измерительное устройство
6) приспособление
7) компонент; элемент
8) схема
9) метод; способ; алгоритм
devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги;
devices similar in operation — функциональные аналоги
alphanumeric display device
automatic exposure control device
bubble memory device
bucket brigade charge-coupled device
decision-making device
drilling bit feed device
electrical device
exposure control device
Gunn-effect device
Hall-effect device
hard-copy output device
household electrical device
humidity detecting device
hybrid-type device
Josephson-effect device
maneuvering propulsion device
materials-handling device
multiport device
night observation device
noise dampening device
photoconducting device
propulsion device
protection device
raster-display device
registering pin device
reversible film feeding device
seed-feeding device
supply reel braking device
three-axis device

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "device" в других словарях:

  • Device — may refer to: Computing and electronics A component of personal computer hardware Peripheral, any device attached to a computer that expands its functionality Electronic component Other uses Appliance, a device for a particular task Device (band) …   Wikipedia

  • Device — De*vice , n. [OE. devis, devise, will, intention, opinion, invention, fr. F. devis architect s plan and estimates (in OF., division, plan, wish), devise device (in sense 3), in OF. also, division, wish, last will, fr. deviser. See {Devise}, v. t …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • device — 1 Device, contrivance, gadget, contraption mean something usually of a mechanical character which is invented as a means of doing a particular piece of work or of effecting a given end. Device is the most widely applicable of these terms; it may… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Device — Сингл Diorama Дата выпуска 28 сентября2001 года Жанр synthpop synth goth Длительность 19:57 Лейбл Accession Records …   Википедия

  • device — I (contrivance) noun artifice, circumvention, craft, design, gimmick, machina, machination, maneuver, means to an end, method, plan, program of action, project, resort, ruse, scheme, setup, stratagem, subtle maneuver, system, trick, wile, working …   Law dictionary

  • device — UK US /dɪˈvaɪs/ noun [C] ► an object or machine which has been invented for a particular purpose: »biotech and medical devices »You should not use any personal electronic device, such as a cell phone, while driving. »mobile/wireless/handheld… …   Financial and business terms

  • device — (izg. divȃjs) m DEFINICIJA inform. 1. vanjski uređaj računalnog sustava (pisač i dr.) 2. bilo koji dio elektroničke opreme koji se nalazi u računalu ili je s njim povezan SINTAGMA device driver (izg. device drájver) inform. program koji upravlja… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • device — [n1] instrument, tool accessory, agent, apparatus, appliance, arrangement, article, construction, contraption, contrivance, creation, doohickey*, equipment, expedient, gadget, gear, gimmick, implement, invention, machine, makeshift, material,… …   New thesaurus

  • Device —   [engl.], Gerät …   Universal-Lexikon

  • device — late 13c., from O.Fr. devis division, separation, disposition, wish, desire; coat of arms, emblem; last will, from deviser to divide, distribute (see DEVISE (Cf. devise)). Sense of method by which something is divided arose in French and led to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • device — ► NOUN 1) a thing made for a particular purpose, especially a mechanical or electronic contrivance. 2) a plan, scheme, or trick. 3) a drawing or design. ● leave someone to their own devices Cf. ↑leave someone to their own devices ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

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