aircraft departure

aircraft departure
вылет самолёта

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "aircraft departure" в других словарях:

  • Departure resistance — is a quality of an aircraft which enables it to remain in controlled flight and resist entering dangerous uncontrolled maneuvers such as spin. Depending on its design, an aircraft may be more or less likely to leave (depart from) controlled… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System — Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (or ACARS) is a digital datalink system for transmission of small messages between aircraft and ground stations via radio or satellite. The protocol, which was designed by ARINC to replace… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft noise — is defined as sound produced by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a flight, on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run up from propeller and jet exhaust, during take off, underneath and… …   Wikipedia

  • Departure Card — is a legal document used by a country s immigration authorities to provide passenger identification and an effective record of a person’s entry to and departure from a country. [ [ australias borders/border… …   Wikipedia

  • Departure card — A departure card, also known as an outgoing passenger card and embarkation card, is a legal document used by a country s immigration authorities to provide passenger identification and an effective record of a person’s entry to and departure from …   Wikipedia

  • departure — i. The distance between two given meridians measured along a standard parallel and expressed in nautical miles. It is the east west component of the rhumb line distance between two points. The value of departure between two meridians decreases… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Aircraft ground handling — In aviation, aircraft ground handling defines the servicing of an aircraft while it is on the ground and (usually) parked at a terminal gate of an airport.OverviewMany airlines subcontract ground handling to an airport or a handling agent, or… …   Wikipedia

  • departure — /di pahr cheuhr/, n. 1. an act or instance of departing: the time of departure; a hasty departure. 2. divergence or deviation, as from a standard, rule, etc.: a departure from accepted teaching methods. 3. Navig. a. the distance due east or west… …   Universalium

  • departure — n. 1 the act or an instance of departing. 2 (often foll. by from) a deviation (from the truth, a standard, etc.). 3 (often attrib.) the starting of a train, an aircraft, etc. (the departure was late; departure lounge). 4 a new course of action or …   Useful english dictionary

  • Departure control system — A Departure Control System (DCS) automates processing an Airlines Airport management operation. This includes managing the information required for Airport Check in and printing Boarding card, cargo load control and aircraft checks. Today DCS… …   Wikipedia

  • departure control — The function of an approach control facility that provides air traffic control service for departure IFR (instrument flight rules) and, under certain conditions, VFR (visual flight rules) aircraft …   Aviation dictionary

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