- dessert wine
десертное вино
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
dessert wine — dessert wines N MASS A dessert wine is a sweet wine, usually a white wine, that is served with dessert … English dictionary
dessert wine — dessert′ wine n. vin a sweet wine served at the end of a meal, usu. with dessert • Etymology: 1765–75 … From formal English to slang
Dessert wine — Glass of Caluso passito, a raisin wine from Piedmont Dessert wines are sweet wines typically served with dessert. There is no simple definition of a dessert wine. In the UK, a dessert wine is considered to be any sweet wine drunk with a meal, as… … Wikipedia
dessert wine — UK / US noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms dessert wine : singular dessert wine plural dessert wines a sweet wine that you drink with a dessert … English dictionary
dessert wine — noun still sweet wine often served with dessert or after a meal • Hypernyms: ↑wine, ↑vino • Hyponyms: ↑straw wine * * * noun, pl ⋯ wines [count, noncount] : a sweet wine that people drink with dessert or after dessert … Useful english dictionary
dessert wine — des sert wine n [U and C] a sweet wine served with dessert … Dictionary of contemporary English
dessert wine — des sert ,wine noun count or uncount a sweet wine that you drink with a DESSERT … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dessert wine — десертное вино dry wine сухое вино wine card карта вин wine list карта вин old wine старое вино wine blend смесь вин … English-Russian travelling dictionary
dessert wine — noun Date: 1773 a usually sweet wine typically served with dessert or afterward … New Collegiate Dictionary
dessert wine — a sweet wine served with dessert or sometimes after a meal. [1765 75] * * * … Universalium
dessert wine — noun a sweet wine drunk with or following dessert … English new terms dictionary