aircraft capacity

aircraft capacity
вместимость воздушного судна

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "aircraft capacity" в других словарях:

  • aircraft capacity — The rate of aircraft movement on the runway or taxiway that results in a given level of delay …   Aviation dictionary

  • Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System — Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (or ACARS) is a digital datalink system for transmission of small messages between aircraft and ground stations via radio or satellite. The protocol, which was designed by ARINC to replace… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft diesel engine — Thielert Centurion aircraft diesel engine. The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel has not been widely used as an aircraft engine. Diesel engines were used in airships and were tried in aircraft in the late 1920s …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft lease — Aircraft leases are a number of types of leases used by airlines and other aircraft operators. Airlines lease aircraft from other airlines or leasing companies for two main reasons; to operate aircraft without the financial burden of buying them …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting — (ARFF) is a special category of firefighting that involves the response, hazard mitigation, evacuation and possible rescue of passengers and crew of an aircraft involved in (typically) an airport ground emergency. Airport ARFF operations are… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft of the Battle of Britain — The Battle of Britain (German: [ um England Luftschlacht um England ] ) was an effort by the German Luftwaffe during during the summer and autumn, 1940 to gain air superiority over the United Kingdom in… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft carriers of the Royal Australian Navy — The Royal Australian Navy, while significant in the Asia Pacific region, has never been a major global force. As with many smaller navies after World War II, the RAN made a decision to develop a naval air arm and operate aircraft carriers. Due to …   Wikipedia

  • capacity — [[t]kəpæ̱sɪti[/t]] ♦♦♦ capacities 1) N VAR: oft with poss, N for n/ ing, N to inf Your capacity for something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do. Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited...… …   English dictionary

  • Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association — The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) is a non profit political organization whose membership consists mainly of general aviation pilots in the United States. AOPA exists to serve the interests of its members as aircraft owners and… …   Wikipedia

  • Courageous class aircraft carrier — HMS Glorious in the early 1930s Class overview Name: Courageous class Operators …   Wikipedia

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